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chapter 004, four pov omniscient, who are you?

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chapter 004, four
pov omniscient, who are you?

With Sabrina being with Pearce, Desi and Kylee were paired together for bowling. The two were actually kinda killing it because true to her word Desi was actually good. Everyone was doing great other than the two people that Desi and Kylee kept laughing at, Milo and Meg. Meg was horrible at bowling and when I say horrible I mean horrible. They needed the bumper sides to bowl and every time the sides came out Desi couldn't help the giggle that came out of her mouth.

It was now time for Sabrina and Pearce to go up and bowl. The two were doing so good together and Sabrina was actually talking to him without getting tongue tied. Sabrina picked up the green medium sized ball took her stance and rolled the ball down the middle hitting all of the pins except of one on the far end.

"You got this Brina just roll the ball closer to the this side and I promise you it will go end." Pearce said to his partner. Sabrina's two friends looked at each other and then at the pair standing in front of them and nodded their head. Their friend was getting her man.

Sabrina rolled the ball and just like Pearce told her. Everyone watched as the ball down the alley and hit the last pin. Everyone started yelling and congratulating the two young adults. Sabrina jumped into Pearce's arms to give the boy a hug. He held her a little longer than she thought he would. When he put her down she cleared her throat and pulled her shirt down since it had risen up.

"Omg y'all are so cute ." Desiree said giving the two a smirk.

"What's not cute is how we whipping your ass." Pearce said while Sabrina looked at him stupid for saying that corny ass shit.

"Not to fucking much on us wolf boy." Desi said getting up since it was her and Kylee's turn to bowl.

"excuse me." Desi said as she walked past the group of friends. Stopping at Milo whose legs happened to be in the way.

"there you go." Milo said as he moves his feet for the two friends. The whole time he's staring at Desi whose giving him the same look.

"thank you." Kylee said on behalf of both of the friends as they walked through.

Everything in the sitting area could feel the tension that those two had it was very noticeable to everyone even Milo's girlfriend.

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