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chapter 004, four pov omniscient, you haven't changed.
"So he asked you out and you told him no?" Sabrina says as she looks at her friend sitting across from her.
"No I didn't say no I said i'll see. That doesn't mean no." Desi rolls her eyes at the look on her friends face.
"Why are you being so difficult, let that boy take you out to have a good time." Desi looks away from her best friend and down at her phone to see a message from milo that was sent 1hr ago.
She had just came back from her date. Even though the man was a nice man she knew he wasn't getting a second date and I think he knew that too. After Desi came back from the bathroom she was so distant from the man. He tried to ask her questions but she vaguely answered them. She didn't see a reason to answer the questions when she knew she didn't want anything with him. After all Milo was still on her mind.
Sabrina rolls her eyes at the girl. She leans over to the other side of the couch and snatches the phone out of her friends had.
"Brina what the fuck!" Desiree screams as she runs after her friend and chases her around her own house. For them to be adults they definitely was acting like kids right now. Are these the new adults? (no fr yall are we the new adults??😧)
Sabrina runs down a hall and opens the first door she sees and closes it quick and makes sure to lock it. She was now stuck in Desiree's bathroom trying to text her best friend's ex.
"Girl how you gone lock yourself in my house." Desi rolls her eyes as she hears her friend let out a cackle. She was not bout to play any more of these childish games with the younger girl. She goes back to sit on the couch and waits til her friend comes out the bathroom.
After about 5 mins she heard the door crack open only to fully open after Sabrina realized that her friend wasn't after her anymore. She lets out a breath of relief as she walked out the bathroom and back into to living room.
"Girl I'm sorry but you got this man begging to take you out and you not taking the offer?? Don't piss me off." Sabrina said see her friend now laying down on her couch under a blanket. Desi looks up at her friend standing over her and throws a pillow at her. The younger girl laughs and hands her friend her phone back.
She instantly goes to her messages with Milo to see that Sabrina had agreed to have a date with him tomorrow for lunch. She let out a sigh.