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Nezuko set her brush down and looked at herself in the mirror. Elegant, simply elegant. She had just spent forty-five minutes preparing herself for her first date with Muichiro , not counting shower time. She had even bought a new pink dress for the occasion. She looked herself up and down; hair, earrings, dress, makeup, shoes, perfume. She was all ready for Muichiro to pick her up at five o'clock.

She left the bathroom to encounter her brother, Tanjiro , with a camera. He snapped the picture before she could react.

"Mom said she wished she could be here to take this, but drafted me to do it."

"TANJIRO !" Nezuko was definitely annoyed by his snapping of a picture. She was already nervous about going on a date with Muichiro and didn't need any more attention.

"Don't be like that. You should be happy to have your picture taken as beautiful as you are. Muichiro is going to be blown away." Nezuko blushed at her brother's comment.

Across the street, Muichiro was also finishing preparations. He gave himself a final check-over. Yep: hair, shave, cologne, shower; and all in just twenty minutes. Muichiro's bruises and marks from his encounter with Zenitsu earlier that week were all but gone. That happened on Monday, now it was Saturday. He had a date with the most beautiful girl in the world, and he was taking her to Le Gato's, a great French restaurant for dates.

Muichiro stepped out of the bathroom, and moved over to the door to get his coat.

"Hold on there, Muichiro ." Yuichiro got up from the computer and went to his room. He came back out with a tie that was the same colour as Muichiro's pants. "No man should go to a restaurant like that without a tie. Otherwise you're looking good man."

"Thanks, Yuichiro ." Muichiro was nervous about his date. He'd never been on one before. Yuichiro put the tie around his own neck, tied it and took it off to give to Muichiro . He fumbled with the knot a bit, and Yuichiro helped him.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Nezuko's probably just as nervous as you are." Yuichiro was assuring his little brother. "There, Hollywood. You are ready. Go get her!" Muichiro was almost out the door when Yuichiro called back to him, "Hey!"


"Might need this!" Muichiro caught his wallet as Yuichiro threw it to him.

"Thanks, Yuichiro ."

Nezuko was sitting at her kitchen table, trying to look casual while checking the clock every three seconds. It said that she still had seven minutes to wait. The bell rang, and she jumped out of the chair, and ran to the door. She stopped by the mirrored door of the closet and checked her hair, put a few strands back in place, and checked herself again. She must have taken too long because Muichiro rang the bell again.

When the door opened they both saw their favorite person in the world, dressed up and presentable more than they had ever seen. Nezuko felt warm, Muichiro had to concentrate to keep his mouth closed.

"You look beautiful," Muichiro said, trying to keep his voice.

"Thanks," Nezuko was a little more modest than Nezuko .

Muichiro reached out his hand for hers, "Shall we? It's getting late." Nezuko let him take her hand and they left.

They went to see a movie before dinner. They had a lot of fun, and as the evening went on they weren't as nervous with each other. Going to the movies as a date was fun, they got to share a large popcorn, and Nezuko let Muichiro put his arm around her. She said because she was cold, but no one anywhere would ever believe that. And dinner was fantastic. Nezuko had French Onion Soup while Muichiro had some rabbit-pastry thing witch he couldn't identify; but he liked it.

It was now about ten o'clock and Muichiro was walking Nezuko home. The sky had started to thunder so he thought he should hurry. They saw Tanjiro and Kanao coming up the street from the opposite direction.

"Hey you guys!" Kanao called.

"You better get home Tanjiro, we don't want that hair of yours getting wet, we'd need a truck to get you home!" Nezuko was always trying to get Tanjiro to tame his red hair.

"It's alright Nezuko , Tanjiro's coming over to my place, we rented a movie." Kanao had a sly expression in her voice.

"Yeah, that'll keep occupied for a while."Muichiro also had the slight slyness in his voice. Nezuko didn't quite get what Kanao was hinting, and Muichiro picked up.

Nezuko , who had always had her slight psychic ability, was trying to read Muichiro's mind to find out what he meant. Nezuko had never succeeded in reading minds, but she could usually tell what someone was feeling or if they were lying. At this moment, two things happened simultaneously. Muichiro leaned against a metal rainspout while still holding Nezuko's hand, and a bolt of lightning hit the high building right beside them.

The shear force blew all four back. Nezuko tried to sit up, but her body wouldn't respond with anything other than pain. She saw Kanao leaning over her to see is she was all right. Wow, Nezuko thought, I must have been hit hard. It sounded like she just called my Muichiro ! At that moment, she passed out.

Muichiro woke up in a hospital bed. All his muscles felt numb, like when they're bruised, but he couldn't see any bruises on his arms. Tanjiro was standing over him.

"You OK Nezuko ? You landed on your head so you got knocked out. But you should see Muichiro ; he's a little out of it. He thinks he's you. Can you believe that?" Tanjiro indicated the bed next to Muichiro's in the room. Now Muichiro was really confused, Tanjiro was talking to him like he was Nezuko . He was about to try and correct Tanjiro , but he saw himself lying in the next bed. Muichiro also saw mirror on the wall of the bathroom, through the open door. He went to point at the image of Nezuko we was seeing, and the image of Nezuko pointed back. Muichiro lifted his hand to his forehead, so did the reflection of Nezuko . Muichiro tried to speak.

"What hap..." Before he finished, he put his hands to his throat. He had a girl's voice. More than that, he had Nezuko's voice! The Muichiro beside him looked up.

"Can you guys give us a minute alone?" The other Muichiro said. Kanao said she'd called Yuichiro , and she and Tanjiro left.

"Sure thing. You guys behave." Tanjiro said, closing the door.

"Notice anything different about me, Muichiro ?" The Muichiro said. Before our Muichiro could respond, the other said, "It's Nezuko . Our minds switched when that lightning hit."

Muichiro lifted up the bed sheets to get up, and stopped. He was wearing Nezuko's dress! "I believe you. What are we going to do?!" Muichiro was getting a little impatient about it.

"I don't know." Nezuko touched the bandage on the side of hear head, she still felt sore. To anyone else, it looked like Muichiro checking his bandage.

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