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Nezuko and Muichiro managed to survive the rest of the day. They were at Tanjiro and Nezuko's house, telling each other about their day. Nezuko told Muichiro about the cheerleaders and her encounter with John.

"Sorry, I should've remembered to tell you about him. He's hit me a few times before, for looking at Katie. But it's her trying to catch my eye."

Muichiro then told her that she is now a psycho in the eyes of every guy and girl in her class. Nezuko had snapped again and kicked some guy in the groin, but not before forgetting actually allowing Jane, a homosexual female to flirt with him for a while.

"I thought she went strait. I was just being polite, like not telling her to leave. Sorry." Nezuko and Muichiro were very embarrassed about the other's day. They both laid their heads on the table at the same time.

Damn it sucks being a guy, Nezuko thought.

Damn it sucks being a girl, Muichiro thought.

Nezuko and Muichiro were beginning to think the situation was hopeless. Neither wanted to remain where they were. They wanted their old lives back. Muichiro missed being able to remain standing in the bathroom and not having to put on makeup. Nezuko missed being able to look good through personal grooming and not getting hit in the stomach.

"Their has to be a way to get switched back," Muichiro was saying, "I can't stand this. Can being a girl get any worse?" Muichiro had leaned back and was staring at the ceiling.

"If we're still here in 19 days, yes it can, Muichiro ." Nezuko stifled a giggle. She never even thought about that. Muichiro didn't quite get it.

"What happens in 19 day?" He asked innocently. Nezuko almost didn't want to tell him, but this was a practical joke she was not going to pass up.

"Well, it normally takes 28 day, but 9 have already gone by." She looked at him with a quiet smirk. Muichiro was staring blankly for a second, and then it hit him. And he was really panicking.

"Damn it, can I can't take this!" Nezuko thought he was just complaining about an inconvenience she had come to live with, but he was turning white, hyperventilating, and really genuinely scared. Nezuko lost her joking attitude, and was not concerned. She had never seen Muichiro(or rather herself), that scared.

"It's alright Muichiro . It's not that bad, you can deal with it. You can do it." Muichiro didn't answer; he had put his head back on the table and was just being quiet. She couldn't tell if he was crying or not. Nezuko briefly considered reprimanding him for this display, she had had to deal with it for years, and there was no problem. Then Nezuko was thinking about the culture shock he must be going through. It was already really traumatic for her, but Muichiro didn't have the mental ability to deal with this much change. "You hungry? I'm going to get some of those pizza things."

"Yeah sure. I'll just have one, K?" Nezuko went over the freezer, and removed the microwavible pizza snacks. She put three on a plate and stuck them in the microwave. She was standing their waiting, and the smell was wafting out. Muichiro , drawn by the smell, came to stand by her. His eyes were a bit red. Nezuko sympathized. She was drumming her fingers on top of the microwave feeling impatient. When the microwave got down to nine seconds left, in counted back to ten. Nine, ten, nine, ten, nine, ten.

"Damn it," she said and was about to reach for the handle. Muichiro stopped her.

"It did this last night, too. Just got to hit it a little." Muichiro rapped the side of the machine lightly, nothing changed. He hit it harder, nothing happened. Out of frustration, he smacked that microwave good. The display cracked and some sparks flew. Muichiro and Nezuko were both touching it and got one hell of a zap. They fell backwards, Nezuko landed in a chair, Muichiro hit the floor.

Nezuko came to her senses and stood up. Wow, she felt light. It must have zapped her more that se thought.

"Muichiro , are you alright." He sat up, and Nezuko gasped. She didn't see the reflection of herself she had been used to seeing for that past few days. She, in fact, saw Muichiro . Moving independently, not like a mirror image. "Muichiro , what do you see?" Nezuko was almost hyperventilating herself with excitement. Muichiro shook his head, feeling heavy. He heard Nezuko 's voice, and he wasn't controlling it. He looked up and saw her sitting in the chair, where he was expecting to see the body that he owned.

"I see you. The real you!" Muichiro stood in disbelief. He looked at his wrist and it was his watch he saw. He looked at his shoes, again, his. He scratched the front of his pants quickly while she was going through similar checks so she wouldn't see; yep, indeed everything was right where it should be.

Muichiro felt like he hadn't seen Nezuko in a week. Looking at her brought those old feelings back. They embrassed, kissed, and just held each other. They both had a newfound sense of what the other has to live with. Nezuko was still hungry, but the pizza snacks were blown across the room.

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