Chapter 4: The Beginning of Dieting

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It's the first week and Ive been feeling not so good. I don't know why, I guess I should feel hungry, but I dont just feel SUPER hungry. I also feel sick and guilty. I should be feeling better. This is so frustrating! I guess this is the natural consequence of eating too much. You have to go through pain and suffering to get back to normal, this is all because of my poor,
poor, ugly stomach. Work hard, Willy, this is your fault, work hard! That motto helps me continue my diet without a problem. I always have the urge to eat, but I go against it. "You can eat all you want at the contest. I remind myself. Keep going, keep going." Avoiding food completely is harder than it sounds, after all. I have to sneak out of the cafeteria line at every meal, and I've been SUPER tired, more than usual. I can't think properly, I cant concentrate in school, leading to plenty of scolding from Miss Cassandra, I feel dizzy all the time, I'm having trouble getting poop out of my system during bathroom breaks. Ugh,
what am I doing wrong?! The workouts I have with Maya to prepare for the contest don't help either, I get even more tired. She knows all about all of my fitness practices except for my diet. Wait a minute, that gives me an idea! Maybe I'm exercising too much! Yeah, that's it. Maybe I should sleep more. I should go ask Maya for more breaks. She'll probably say, "You lazy-wings. Sleeping is all you do!" but,
hey, it may be for my own good.

Maya the Bee: The Pollen Eating Competition (THIS IS NOT MY STORY!)Where stories live. Discover now