23.5 • filler

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"This is [L/N] [F/N]. She will be joining us for our fight against Mikey."

A couple weeks after speaking to Takemichi he called you up to introduce you to someone. His name is Mitsuya Takashi. A handsome young man with a tattoo on the side of his head. Somehow his lazy purple eyes remind you of the Haitani's.

"Nice to meet you." He bows his head and you bow back. "So what's this for?" You turn to Takemichi, tilting your head slightly. "Mitsuya is going to make your uniform." You perk up at the mention of a uniform, already excited to be wearing a cool gangster outfit. The only thing about gangs that you can get behind. But your excitement dies down when you remember something. "Actually. I already have something I want to wear." Mitsuya asks you to show him the item so you go into your room and take out Rindou's old uniform.

"This." You show it off to the two, putting it on over your shirt. "It was Rindou's." Your voice drops, a sad expression taking over your features. "I can modify it for you of that's alright." Mitsuya lifts your spirits with his kind smile, offering his service to you. You accept, giving him the coat before getting measured. You tell him to leave it a little loose before serving the two boys some sweets which they happily accept. Ever since you started working at the bakery you've never had no sweets at the house, there's always some sort of cake or pastry in the oven.

With a small blush on his cheeks Mitsuya asks for some more. "I want to take some home for my sisters." Upon hearing his reasoning you run back to the kitchen and pack a whole cake up for him. Sometimes you bake too much, leaving you with whole cakes that you end up giving to your neighbours.

Mitsuya tries to deny your offer but you refuse to take the cake back. "I can't just take this much." You scoff "Bullshit. Take the cake, I have too much of it anyways." A little embarrassed he accepts defeat and packs up the cake as well as your uniform.

At the entrance while they put on their shoes Mitsuya gives you a serious look, you wait for him to speak since he obviously has something to say.

"I have some personal business with the Haitani's. I hope you don't mind me giving them a good beating."

You laugh while holding onto his shoulder "Gosh no. Please do. If you wouldn't I would have." He smiles back at you and with one last goodbye the two boys are out of your door.

You get the uniform back a day later whenTakemichi calls you to meet the rest of the gang. Tokyo Manji Gang, Toman'ssecond generation.

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