32 • con panna

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"And where are you going?"

From behind you Ran and Rindou stand, leaning against the walls while watching you put on your shoes. Looking back, the two have either a cup of coffee in hand, hair up and out of their faces with comfortable clothing hugging their bodies.

"I'm meeting up with Hanagaki. It's been a week and I got a message that he's not under house arrest anymore." Rindou tilts his head "House arrest?" You nod while standing up.

"Not literally. The doctor told him to take it easy."

Understanding what you meant the two nod their heads. The blond stops forward, stretching out his arms for you to walk into. You happily oblige, stuffing your face into his chest while hugging his torso. Ran sighs dramatically from behind you two, probably rolling his eyes in the process.

"I'll be back before sundown. Leftovers are in the fridge. Oh! And can you change the bedsheets and throw that and your clothes into the washer?"

Rindou nods and you throw a glance at Ran, waiting until he nods as well.

Satisfied with everything you check your pockets one more time before giving Rindou a short kiss on the lips, leaving the apartment right after.

The ride to Musashi Shrine isn't long but it takes a little while, so for the time it takes you think of what to say to Takemichi. He must be going back to the future soon and you don't want to him to leave without some proper words of reassurance. The boy was rather worried for your well-being and your future. So, you want to explain to him that you're working on a better future, together with the Haitani's and progress seems to be going well.

You have yet to see anything major happening in your dreams, meaning that death might not be coming to get you as soon as it didn't previously.

With all the thinking you don't even realize that you've arrived until you're standing right in front of Takemichi and his friends. Chifuyu is obviously right by his side, Takashi and Hakkai close by with Senju hanging around in the back. The rest are scattered about, chatting amongst themselves. What you notice is that everyone is wearing their uniform, making you frown immediately.

All you're wearing is the shirt Chifuyu gave you, the symbol of a snowflake and a cat big over your chest.

You walk closer to the group, seeing Mikey hiding between them, face void of emotion but his body seems to portrait nervousness. At least the brothers are nervous standing like that, hands occupied by playing with their fingers, eyes looking at the floor and back slightly hunched. You don't ponder on it too long, not only because you're close enough to be catching their attention any time, also because you don't know Mikey.

"Yo! Hanagaki."

You call out to the fake blond, greeting him with a big smile and a short wave. The boy lightens up at your appearance urging you to join their conversation next to him. You rush to stand by his side, greeting everyone with a small 'hello'.

"Not in your uniform?" Takashi throws a raised brow at you to which you flush. "I didn't know you were all going to wear it." The boys laugh a little before Chifuyu explains that usually meeting mean that everyone wears their uniform.

"Well, sorry that this is the first time I'm in a gang!"

The conversation moves on from you after that and you stay quiet most of the time, chiming in when you have something to say. The boys mostly talk about old times, you assume, so you stand back and let them all have their moment.

After a while the conversation splits apart and everyone forms pairs to talk to each other, Takemichi and Chifuyu end up staying next to you, keeping their voices down while talking about your future vision and Takemichi's time leaping.

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