Chapter Five. Pity For Jonathan Byers

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— pity for jonathan byers

MRS. BENNETT'S CHEMISTRY class was well known in Hawkins high as one of the hardest courses to take. Lucy was crawling her way towards a D, which was not usual, and she was praying to whoever would listen that she could pass todays test. One problem, though— her brain was fried. It was the day of the chem test, and her brain was fried! Between Will going missing and the girl the Party had found, she was nearing a breakdown. If this test was truly as difficult as it was supposed to be, she was screwed; it would be her downfall.

"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become..."

Forehead pressed to the lockers, Lucy's eyes were closed. Last night, after her arrival back home, she got thirty-five minutes sleep. Thirty-five minutes. She lay there, thinking about Will and were he could be. Then, she thought about the girl, Eleven, and where she could've been from. All of those thoughts eventually led to philosophical questions, which lead to an existential crisis. Chemistry and alpha particles were the last things on her mind.


Her eyes snapped open. Drawing a sharp breath in, Lucy spoke, "Uh, unoccupied space."


    She sighed, pressing her forehead deeper into the cool metal of the locker. Eyes screwing shut tighter, Lucy let out a roaring yawn. She lost control of herself when someone kicked her in the bend of the knee— legs going weak, the girl clung onto Nancy in an attempt to hold herself up.

Steve snatched the chemistry flashcards from Barbara's hands. "You guys have studied enough," he scoffed, shifting through them. "You'll be fine, Nance."

Grumbling, Lucy stepped on Steve's foot, forehead still pressed to the locker. "Asshole."


    "I'm telling you, you got this. Don't worry," Steve shoved the flashcards into his back pocket, "Now, onto important matters. My dad's left town on a conference and my moms gone with him, cause, you know, she doesn't trust him."

    Tommy chortled, "Good call."

    "So, are you in?" he looked back and forth between Nancy and Lucy, a small smile on his face.

    "In for what?" Nancy furrowed her brow.

Lucy loved her best friend. She did, really, she'd defend her until she died. Sometimes, though, she wished she wouldn't ask such obvious questions. It was clearer than say that Steve Harrington was trying to get in her pants.

    "No parents," Carol chomped on her gum, arms crossed over her stomach. "Big house?"

Nancy furrowed her brow in realization. Shaking her head, she turned towards her boyfriend. "A party?"

    "Ding, ding, ding!" Carol chimed in with a giggle.

    The brunette whispered shyly. "It's Tuesday."

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