Never Safe

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"Everyone stay inside. The miltary are failing to keep the virus from crossing the border. Its spreading into America and this is now a world wide emergency. If you see someone acting rash or aggressive, please dont make contact-"

The Tv got shut off abruptly by my dad, probably as an attempt to keep me from worrying. But, how could I possibly not worry?

"You dont need to hear all that, im sure they will get this thing under control," he said, sitting beside me on the couch.

"Why are you trying to stay so calm? The world is falling apart dad." I took a deep breathe, "We need to be worried. Alan is out there."

"Im sure your brother is fine, worrying wont keep us sane."

"He was supposed to come home this week and we haven't heard from him." I laid on the pillow beside me, my legs still dangling off the couch.

When my dad didn't respond, I started to feel bad. I projected my anxiety on him when he's trying to keep it together for me. I need to keep it together for him.

"Im sorry, you're right. Im sure everything's going to work out." I nodded trying to reassure myself that what I was saying, was true.

"That's the spirit!" he smiled an got up to do the dishes since we had just eaten.

I turned the tv on and skipped through the channels. I wanted to watch friends with dad like I usually do. But everything was news and warnings so I shut it back off with a sigh.

"Maybe we could look at what DVDs we have," he suggested, drying his hands on a towell.

"Yeah, sure." We walked over to the shelf by the TV and searched for a movie worth watching.

"How about John Wick?" he waved the movie in my face waiting for approval.

"Heck yeah." He chuckled at me and walked to the DVD player. Soon the movie started to play and I was already dozing out. Stress is tiresome.

It felt like my eyes had just closed when i heard an overbearing crash. It woke me like a million cups of coffee would; a blood curdling scream forced adrenaline through my veins, "Dad?" I asked worried.

"Stay here." he made his way to the front door and slowly opened it. He peaked left and right and hurriedly shut and locked the door. "It's here. Pack your stuff, pack light, okay?"

I nodded trying not to lose it and ran to my room to pack. I grabbed my hiking backpack and threw an extra outfit, two blankets, and my favorite pictures in it.

I changed into some black cargo pants, a grey tank top, and some combat boots. I grabbed my favorite zip up jacket that was once my brothers and threw it in my bag as well.

I carefully grabbed my moms cross necklace out of my jewelry box and put it around my neck.

I felt so much adrenaline that I wished i could go on a run to get it to go away. I usually run everyday but because of what's been happening, i've been isolating myself in this small apartment.

When I walked back out to the living room to tell dad I was ready, he was in the kitchen putting water and food in a bag. He also grabbed the first aid kit we usually take hiking but never had to use. I set my bag by him just in case he needed to put stuff in my bag too.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

He sighed, "I don't know. To find somewhere safer.We'll leave in a few hours, the streets are too crowded right now."

I looked over at the door then back at him,"What did you see?"

"He was acting rash, violent, just like the news said was happening."

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