So do you

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Throughout the week, i've been working on cars with Olli and Brandon.We've been trying to fill the small parking lot with working cars. I took the opportunity to show Olli how different cars work.

Brandon is nice, he kind of reminds me of my brother. They seem like they've lived longer then they actually have. Out of the womb grownup type, but they still leave room for fun. For example, they both make dad jokes.

Earlier, Brandon said, "My friend Marty owned a delorean." He shrugged, "He drove it from time to time," He laughed loudly at the sky, tilting his head so far back I though he'd fall over. Olli thought it was hilarious. That was the only funny part about that joke to be honest.

There's a lot I haven't gotten used to. I keep jolting awake like I'm supposed to be keeping watch. I haven't really gotten used to anything actually. I should be glad and comfortable here but I just cant seem to feel in place.

Mostly I've been taking watch at one of the four posts, boredly carving sketches into the wood platform. I asked if I could help go on runs but everyone told me to stop being stubborn and that I need to heal first. Whatever that means.

But today i'm building up my courage to tell Lincoln: "I'm going on the run today because I can and I WANT to." I'll probably word it more elegantly though.

I saw Lincoln and Molly walking toward the garden so I set the wrench on the ground and caught up to them.

"Hey, how you feelin?" Molly asked

"Much better..which is why...I wannagoontheruntoday," I said that much faster than I meant to.

"Echo you're still limpin," Lincoln pointed out.

"Barley," I said looking down at my leg.

"She'll be good, we're just going to scrap up the last of the supplies we left."

"Okay, but you better hold up your own end, you can't slow em down."

"i'll keep up I promise."

"Alright," he said with a sharp business like nod and walked over to Caden at the Garden.

Molly and i walked side by side to, I don't know where, "Cody, Cali, and Brandon are coming with us, Clover will stay with Olli."

I nodded, "Cool,"

Molly smiled, "Follow me, we'll get you more ammo for your gun."

I followed her to a shed beside the building, she unlocked it and there in all its glory were guns and ammo galore. "How the hell did you guys get so much?"

"Well, we've just been collectin and bein generous with ammo. When you have a place like this, there's always people who'll wanna take it," she shook her head at the memory.

"You've had people try to take this place?" I asked my eyes practically glued to the beautiful weaponry.

"Yeah it was a small group nothing we couldn't handle, but you shouldn't underestimate people these days." I nodded in agreement as she handed me some ammo. I began to load my two mags.

"What's up my gals?" Cali said enthusiastically entering the shed, and joined us in catering our weapons.

Molly chuckled, "You ready for a roadtrip, Cal?"

"Absu-freakin-lutley." she said as she smacked a mag into her gun.

Everything seems almost perfect here, and for some reason the thought of that makes my stomach churn. I feel so confused. I like it here, but I feel off. I for some reason miss being out there. In here I feel sorta safe. That makes me think about more then just going, and surviving. I don't like that.

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