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Three Years Later

I drank the last of my water and threw the bottle in my bag angrily. I wish I didn't make that damn promise or I would jump off a mountain right about now.

I brushed my hair back and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I need to find more water but every time I go outside it's a risk. I'm dehydrated and in no shape to be running from people and walkers.

I heard the phrase "walkers" from a nice gentleman named Nathan or Nate for short. I prefer to call people by their whole name.

Nathan decided to help me from a horde of walkers but then tried taking the supplies I had just gathered.

When you're hungry, tired, and angry, you'd do what I did. What did I do may you ask? I left that limping sack of shit to the walkers. And before you feel bad for him, let me tell you the details-in summary form. Your welcome.

I was going about my way, when I found a vending machine almost perfectly stocked. I spent no time and broke the glass, shoving all the goodies into my bag.

I got so excited I didn't realize walkers were coming so I started running. I twisted my ankle but kept going cuz i'm the shit, okay?

I got surrounded and Nathan shows up and makes a path so I followed him, an we got to safety. (Which happened to be a post office.) He called the dead people walkers, and said some of his besties call them creeps blah blah blah introduced himself as Nate and i called him Nathan which he didn't like blah blah blah he told me he didn't help me he helped himself and that I can handover my food or die. And I was like, "Whaaaat?" then he attacked me with a literal axe. I moved out of the way dodgeball style and hit him in the face with a metal stapler, which distracted him for a second because he's probably never been hit with a stapler before. I pulled out my gun and shot his leg, then opened the door, pushed past the walkers, and went on my merry way. The End.

After all that jazz happened, i remembered how he said his group called them walkers, or creeps. Creeps is more of an old guy who hits on young girls at the supermarket. So i decided I would start calling them walkers. Rolls off the tongue well. And they don't run, thank God.

I got up from the floor of the small gas station and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I sighed at the air hitting my neck. It's been hot all week and I wished more then anything for air conditioning. It hurts just thinking about it.

I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulders, quickly running down the street to a store called Stop and Go.

It was a small town so it didn't take too long to get there but it still exhausted me more.

I tapped on the glass door to see if any walkers were inside. When only one walker hit the glass, I let him fall on his face by opening the door. I stabbed him in the back of the head and welcomed myself into the store.

I stepped into the small grocery store type setting and rabidly looked for water. I walked quickly through the isles until I found two full bottles of Fiji water under a shelf and fist bumped the air. I ran to it and threw one in my bag then opened the other, chugging a quarter of it.

I wanted to drink the whole damn water, but supply's are dry. I'm going to have to leave this shit town soon to find more.

I sat on the floor and thanked God for the water and thanked my parents for being my parents, like I usually do. It sounds crazy but I talk to them sometimes, I have a feeling they can still hear me. And that's what keeps me moving everyday, no matter how exhausted I am.

I got up feeling the water energize me and walked to the door where I found a single snickers bar. I ate it on the way to the car trying to pretend like it didn't taste a little like cardboard.

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