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 Hi, so basically this story is called chaos because I used a filter and it randomly gave me characters to fill in the blanks and as you will see, it created some chaos. Each video that I make with the filter will be a chapter and I have about 5 videos so far. I don't really know the direction I want to go with this story so I can't really tell you who the main character ends up with because in the end, the filter will probably decide in a later video. 

With that being said, I tried to create a neutral gendered character but in the tiktok videos, I was talking about myself and I use she/her pronouns so I might get them mixed in there in the story. It's unintentional and I don't really feel like editing this too much so just skip past. I also used a random filter, like I said, so i will avoid age inappropriate relationships, but I'm sorry if some of the relationships don't make sense or don't align with a character or your sexuality. I will try and keep them cannon but we will see. 

Additionally, this canonically takes place before season 4. So everyone is still alive. Also Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Steve are 18 and all still attend high school as Seniors. Chrissy is not 14 or whatever she is def more 16 or 17. Joyce and the Cali crew are still in Hawkins as well. Also Hopper is still living in Hawkins alive and well. 

Without further ado...


Life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows for y/n. They had grown up with an interesting life, moving from home to home as a foster child. Most homes would used them for a simple check and provided them with nothing but the simplest of necessities to survive life. One house, this new house, was different though. And here, they began to set their roots.

Joyce Beyers did her best as a mom. She however never saw herself being open to opening her doors to anymore children. But in a twist of fate, she was internally prompted to do just that. She opened her loving arms and welcomed an 18 year old child into her house. The adjustment seemed to be easy for the boys, accepting y/n into their lives with zero hiccups. But, how would the rest of the town mold y/n into their lives?

Chaos // Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now