Chapter 9 - The Birth of The Reaper

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I woke up laying down on my bed, seeing that the Nervegear Headset was on, I... I felt relieved as I unclipped the chin strap and took off the Headset. "Did...Did I find a way out..?" I thought as I sat up and saw my door open, "Mom..? Dad..?" I said out as I got up and investigated outside the door. I turned to see my hallway and began walking down that hallway, scared as I said "C'mon.. This isn't funny anymore..." feeling that the hallway was just getting longer and longer. I then heard giggling and laughing echo as I saw my little brothers.

"Yin!!, Damian!!"

I shouted with the joy backing it up, running to them as they began backing up, seemingly frightened. I slowed down confused, reaching my hand out to see a bright light from behind, I turned around and saw a truck heading towards Damian and Yin. "DAMIAN! YIN!!" I shouted, jumping in the way, closing my eyes and bracing for impact. But the Truck phased through me, hitting Damian and Yin as I heard their crying and calls for help.

I opened my eyes to see that I was standing in a funeral home, I was in funeral clothes as I looked outside, seeing the rain pouring down and seeing the two caskets. "No...No No no..." I muttered as I bit my lower lip trying to conceal my tears. I turned my attention to my right to see my father shouting as my mother was crying from it, trying to stop him. My hands began to tremble again... I felt uneasy and scared once again, I looked down at my hands to see blood all over it.

My tears began to shed once more, muttering to myself "I...I was responsible...I..." as I felt a smack on my cheek, looking up to see my father standing in-front of me. "I..-" as I felt another smack, harder than last time as it left a small red mark. "Listen!-" I tried saying as I felt another one across my other cheek, feeling the hits being heavier and heavier.

I felt nothing else but pain, sadness, and guilt, Guilt that I carried for more than a couple years. I looked up ahead this time to see my younger brothers all bloodied up and with their injuries. With tears in my eyes I muttered "I...I'm so sorry...". I fell to my knees crying saying "I'm so so sorry..." as I didn't feel like I earned their apology. I then heard a voice saying "Wake up Kirin!" as I looked up at the voidless ceiling.

I then woke up in tears as I saw Toru worried and concerned saying "Are you alright Kirin!". I layed there confused before asking her "How...How long was-" as she then hugged me and I stayed like that a bit confused, "You...You were sleep talking...Saying sorry alot too..." Toru said, concerned about me. I didn't know how to respond, I put my arm around her back a bit as I patted her back saying "I...Thank you...Again...", I laid there for a couple of minutes as I said "Am..I allowed to get out of bed?" as she just replied plainly "Just let me take this... You need this more than me...Alright...?".

"Alright..Just this once"

I said quietly to her, smiling as the moon-lit sky shined down onto the floor. After about Thirty minutes of sitting there, Toru and I partied up to head out, late at night. "I got you this time, Toru" I told her as we walked holding hands, She nodded as we walked towards a dungeon that was nearby. Toru began to walk a bit faster as she kept up her pace with me, I looked at her as we both tried to hold in our laughter. We both broke out laughing together as Toru told me "First one there gets the loot!" as she let my hand go and began running. I ran behind shouting at her "HEY NO FAIR!!" as we laughed while running.

We arrived at the dungeon as we were both exhausted, waiting outside to catch our breath. We were sitting on the floor as I looked up at the night sky, somewhat cloudy this time as the time was 12:41. I stood up and looked at Toru saying to her "Are you ready to go?" Toru also got up after looking at me and replying "As ready as I'll ever be" she said in Japanese as I was confused at what she said. She sighed and said "Yes, I'm ready" as I nodded and scratched the back of my head a bit nervously. "R-right" I said as we walked into the dungeon, our footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as we wore boots.

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