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I rolled onto my left side, then to my right, before laying on my back, opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling. Christmas day... I sat up thinking, getting out of my bed and stretched.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Alright Alright... God..."

He walked over and opened the door, seeing Toru was standing there with a wrapped present in her hands. "Merry Christmas Kirin-Kun!!" She said happily, handing him the present. "Oh, thanks Toru." I replied, taking the present as she had a rather happy vibe, skipping down the hallway. I closed the door as I looked at the present, wondering what she got me.

This could be anything...A new sword...some strong armor...maybe a hat...!

I tapped it as a textbox popped up, asking, "Would you like to open manually?". Tapping the blue button, the box shimmered blue a bit before he could feel the weight, rather light than he expected. I took off the ribbon as I opened the box. Looking inside, I saw that it was a necklace. Huh...I wasn't expecting this... I took it out as another textbox popped up.

"Obtained <<Pearl Necklace>>"

"This is sort of sweet of her."

He smiled as he added it into his inventory, the box disappearing in my hands. I should probably get Toru something too... I took that into consideration after the gauntlets I've put her through. I probably should, A good partner always shows affection to their partners...right? He scratched his head as he headed downstairs.

The inside of the Inn was also in a festive mood, Christmas lights, a tree with presents underneath, people laughing and others singing with each other. It really did feel like Christmas, making us forget about our lives being on the line for a day. I searched for Toru, seeing if she was Inside the Inn but to no avail.

Outside it is...

I walked out of the inn to be greeted with snow, looking up as I walked out from the Inn's porch and took my first steps into snow. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! The snow made the satisfying crunching sound like how it would, putting my hand out to catch a falling snowflake.

I turned my head to the center of the town, seeing a large Christmas tree in the middle. It reminded me of a childhood book, with a large Christmas tree in the middle and for everyone to see. But I shook my head as I began looking around for Toru. She couldn't have gone too far... I began heading over to the large Christmas tree as my first destination.

The Christmas tree towered over the entire town, the snowflakes seemingly to come endlessly but the snow on the ground stopping at a certain point. I scanned around the area as I looked for a blue cape, ironically what makes her stand out.

Where's that cape...

With all this white snow, it wasn't hard to spot other colors within the vicinity. Red, Green, lavender, baby blue, there were so many colors popping out as I spotted a couple of blues. I then saw Toru's blue cape as she was leaning in to look through some glass. I began making my way over, thinking to myself, What the hell are you looking at this time...

"Toru, what are you looking at?"

"Eep!!" she made a cute squeal, jumping a bit to look at Kirin.

"Oh, it's just you Kirin-kun." She sighed in relief.

"Just me?" I raised an eyebrow at her, confused at her statement but also intrigued.

"N-Not like that!" she waved her hands in-front of her face, her face burning up a bit with red.

Sword Art Online: New Reality (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now