Chapter 11 - Self Sacrifice

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I kept Neo at swordpoint, holding her basically hostage as we wandered around the fog aimlessly, I was growing more and more anxious about Toru and her safety. "Can't you be more gentle with that sword?!?" Neo shouted a bit as I gripped the sword and pressed it up at the back of her neck, "Just keep walking.." I said as we kept walking and looking around. We then heard a couple of metallic clanging sounds as I bolted over, Seeing through the treelines that Toru was defending herself rather than fighting her way out.

"Why isn't she fighting back?"

I thought to myself as I saw the movement of an anonymous person flash around Toru, chuckling. "I recognize that voice!" I thought to myself as I rushed in and was immediately kicked back by the fast moving mob. Toru took up a guarding stance, covering her head as she blocked sword swing after sword swings. "Toru!!!" I shouted as Toru looked around saying "Kirin-kun?" as she felt a swing on her back as she turned around and felt another hit. I ran as I stopped to see a rapidly twitching mob standing between me and Toru.

"What the fuck is that!"

I thought to myself as I kept silent and striked at the twitching mob, suddenly the mob zipped past me, I turned around as it zipped towards my face and swung its fist across my face. I swung my sword hastefully as my swing missed the mob, Neo stood there watching us struggle against them, she began to slowly back up as she backed up into someone. Neo turned around to see Kirito and Asuna had arrived at the scene, "A little help here??" I asked them as Kirito sighed and said "Alright just duck" as Kirito and Asuna ran towards us, unsheathing their weapons. My health had dropped to yellow for constantly missing and unable to hit the mob as Kirito swung and also missed his swing.

"Damn thing is fast.."

Kirito said as we had our backs to each other, the mob zipped around us as Asuna threw multiple rapier thrusts. The afterimage of the mob around Toru had slipped past her attempt as Asuna landed as Toru fell to her knees. Kirito and I began swinging our swords trying to hit the mob as it fought back, Kirito began to take some damage as I also took more damage from this mob.

I noticed a small pebble on the ground slowly moved more to the right each time as I swung at the same way as the pebble was going, suddenly the mob jumped out of the way and crash landed nearby. "Hey what did you do?" Kirito asked as I replied "I saw a pebble slowly moving right so I swung right" as both of us then found out. We quickly rushed over to the mob as it swiftly zipped past our swings again This time Kirito ran right as I ran left.

I swung on its left as Kirito swung on its right, The mob jumped back but was impaled by a dagger. "I'll help out this one time." Neo said as she pulled the dagger out of the mob and saw it shatter. Kirito and I turned and ran over to help them as I swung right and Kirito swung left this time. A Shriek was let out as we did that as it crashed into a tree nearby, Kirito, Neo and I were affected with a deafness debuff as I looked at Toru and Asuna.

I saw their lips moving as I couldn't understand what they were trying to say, everything was silent as I looked at Kirito. Kirito was trying to say something as I tried saying "What?" as we both looked at each other confused. I saw something fly towards us as I pointed at it and raised my sword up and ready, Kirito turned to look and did the same.

Within a split second, Kirito and I were knocked to the floor as we both crashed into the ground and skipped on it, with Kirito crashing into a tree and I skipping a bit before rolling. "Kirito! Kirin!!" Toru shouted as she got up and ran over but was interrupted by the mob. She stepped back a bit before ducking under wide arm swings and jumping back to Asuna.

Asuna readied up as she heard a knife drop as she looked over and saw Neo, terrified from her deafness debuff as she dropped to the floor scared. Asuna began looking at the mob and back at neo, becoming undeciding to help one person. Toru threw a punch at the mob as its health slowly went down a bit, she then began throwing more punches as the mob barely budged but slowly dropped down in health. Toru then activated a Martial arts skill and slammed her fist straight into the mobs abdomen, hearing it screech out in pain. Asuna ultimately chose to help out Neo to get her to safety, sheathing her wind fleuret and running towards Neo. She grabbed Neo by the arm and ran her to a rock she could hide by.

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