The Deepening Crisis

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So according to inspector Mathew, my father Johan drugged me and my sister some sleeping meds which was proved cause it was found in his pocket, and also the substance was found on Samantha's body. But they didn't find it in my body. His intention was to kill my mother. Sarah entered our room to give us good night kisses but noticed us asleep which she found strange. When she stepped closer to inspect us that is when Dad tried to attack her. There were screams and that woke me up which scared Dad, cause he thought I would witness everything so he banged my head on the wall which made me unconscious and that is the reason for the injury on my head. My father started chasing my mom but then she had already called 911, but the police were late and my father had already stabbed her. When the police entered the room Dad was holding Sarah's body and there was no expression on his face. He was expressionless which made the scene even more scary.

BULLSHIT. This story didn't make any sense. Why would Johan kill Sarah? They were so in love with each other. Everyone used to envy them. And he is not a monster to hurt me. My father is innocent. I said to the inspector " It might be someone from outside, they might have entered our house killed Mom, and left."

"We thought of that possibility but did rule it out cause the doors were locked from the inside and there's no way someone might have left. Now do you think of any reason why your father might have killed your mother? Did they have any fights?'

" They never fought, at least not in front of us."

"Your sister said the same thing. We have already interviewed her. She doesn't remember anything of that night cause she was passed out"

Things were getting weirder. I asked Mathew what my father had said about this

"Your father.....He's been mute and is not responding to any of the questions. That's more of a reason to make him look guilty. "

Dr. Emma entered the room " Enough of questions for today. Let her rest now. She would be discharged soon, You can enquire her then."

The lady with Mathew spoke for the first time " I am inspector Rose and I am assigned to this case . You are scheduled to visit us every day at 3 until this case is solved along with Samantha. We are leaving now. We hope you a speedy recovery". And they left. There was so much to process now. Why is my father silent? I need to talk to him and prove his innocence, but I have to recover soon.

I was in the same garden again everything was repeating. If that is the case then my mother would be here by the tree. I ran again towards her. She is smiling at me but I can't reach her ...again.... It makes me restless and I wake up all of a sudden but this time Sam is beside me. My sudden wake made her jump up " Jesus Kat !!! Don't scare me like this or I will have to leave you here."
"So does that mean you are taking me with you now.?" I am happy. I want to escape this place as fast as I can.

"Yes, we are. I was waiting for this sleeping beauty to wake up."

Sam is clearing all my hospital bills while I wait in the car. I turned on the radio and there it was, our news running. We did become quite a celebrity. But I can't bear the pain of losing my mother, just then Sam entered her car. It belonged to our dad, it was passed down to her this same year on Jan 16 when she turned 18. We had plans to buy a new car for Sam as a graduation gift when she was 21 and a graduate and this family car would be passed down to me. But I don't think it would survive a year more cause Sam is not a great driver. I am scared for my life every instance I sit with Sam in the car because of the way she drives.

"So how's your head now?" Sam began the conversation.
"So from when did you start caring for me?".
"I think the doctor didn't fit all your screws, some screw's in your head are still loose."
"How can you still be joking around Sam? Dad is being held by the police and he is being held for the crime he never committed and there's's. She's .."
Sam halted the car in the middle of the road. I said to her " Sam you are crazy. It is dangerous, please move the c.."
"Shhh Kat. I am well aware of what's going on. Now the only family left for me is you. I care for you and I always did. Just my way of conveying is different. As for Dad, I don't care about him now. Inspectors have shown me all the evidence they have found and there's no way he is not the culprit. I did visit him at the prison but he didn't even look at me. That is what all the guilty ones do, they avoid eye contact. You don't worry about anything now I have...."

Sam pulled off her brake and we were driving back home. It is a silent journey. The road is isolated but my mind is crowded, crowded with many questions and many thoughts. Sam's words about Dad kept repeating in my mind. I still don't believe it is Dad but every time I try to remember the night I can see flashes and hear screams. But this time I saw a flash of Sarah panicked, before I could think more the pain in my head started. It was so intense that I thought it was better to give the thoughts a break. So I rested on the car's seat.

The car halted that's when I realized we might have reached our home. I hopped out of the car and my destination was my comfy bed but...."Where are we, Sam?"

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