13. To the past

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A/n: Yay another chapter! Tbh I was kinda stuck when deciding whose past should you guys get to see, it was either Ame and his siblings or Rus and his siblings, but I settled with the Russian siblings, the concept was kind of inspired by an rp I had with my friend Avianna_Nao

Also, the italic speeches are in Russian lmao.

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It's been a week since your conversation with Zente, and ever since that, you haven't been able to get a good sleep. You were constantly worrying and thinking about all the possibilities that could happen. While lying on your cozy bed, you suddenly heard your phone vibrate next to you. Confused, you grabbed the phone to check the notifications.

"It's from an app called... Information and Quests? Wait, isn't that the one that contained the Love Interests' info?" Mumbling, you tap on the notification, and it then navigates you to the Quests section of the page. "These weren't here before- Who am I kidding, I haven't opened this app for some months-" Scrolling through all the new quests that you needed to do to gain some 'important' information, you quickly scanned all the texts. You, being curious about how the system works, tapped on a random task, and pressed 'proceed'. After a minute, nothing happened, you sighed, disappointed, that was until you were knocked unconscious out of nowhere.


"L/n, are you awake yet?" An unfamiliar feminine voice spoke in Russian from a distance, and right after that, you heard a knock. Feeling sleepy, you groaned lightly and decided to stay silent, also ignoring the fact that you suddenly understood the language.

"L/n? L/N!! I'm coming in!" With that, you heard the sound of a door bursting open. Annoyed, you opened your left eye to see who dared to disturb your sleep. To your surprise, it was a stranger. Alarmed, you immediately stood up. 

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" You gasped lightly after yelling, surprised by the fact you just spoke Russian while the female stood at the entrance of the room, dumbfounded. 

"It's me Elizaveta! Your friend! And what do you mean your house...? We all live in Sir Soviet Union's mansion?" Confused, you looked around, and well, it wasn't the room you'd been staying in for the past months, it was a completely new room.

Observing the female suspiciously, you cautiously spoke, "So...Elizaveta, right? Why do we even live in Sir Soviet's mansion?" The said woman quirked her eyebrows at you and eyed you up and down as if you were an alien, she semi-yelled.

"What do you mean why?! I'm a maid and you're his butler!! We've worked and lived here for like 5 years already! You must've hit your head or your exhaustion is acting up or something... Anyway, you should dress up soon, we need to have breakfast before work." And Elizaveta then walked out and closed the door, leaving you on your own with just your thoughts.

Everything went quiet again, giving you the perfect atmosphere to think and recall past events. "Oh right! I chose to start a quest or something didn't I...? I don't even remember the quest- Well, probably has something to do with Russia." You shrugged before noticing that a beautiful letter has fallen in front of you, what's more surprising was, it kind of fell from nowhere. Picking up the envelope, you quickly scanned it, and turns out, it was addressed to you. Getting the piece of paper out of the envelope, you then read its contents.

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Objective 1: Obtain Soviet Union's discarded strategy map


Settings: Year 1943, in the middle of World War 2

Role: Soviet Union's personal butler

Established relationships: 

   *Elizaveta-childhood friend

   *Soviet Union-boss/master

   *Russia-young master/friend

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"...I kinda wonder how I'll be able to complete this quest. EVERYTHING SEEMS SO COMPLICATED??" Groaning one last time, you then went to change, not wanting USSR to slice your head off if you somehow be late. 

After eating breakfast with your friend, you were instructed to go and follow Soviet around, which, sounded like a stalker to you. But it was your job, and now you had to deal with it. While trying your best to navigate around the huge mansion that Russia's older brother owned, you bumped into quite a lot of familiar faces, including Vietnam, Laos, China, North Korea,... but not any of his supposed siblings. "Where are they? They're still sleeping or something?" You murmured, still trying to find Soviet Union's office.

After an hour, Soviet, who hadn't seen his butler when he should've by now, was annoyed and decided to went and find his butler himself. Walking through countless hallways, USSR stopped here and there to ask random maids or acquaintances of his about his butler's whereabouts, but none of them had any useful information. After what seemed like forever to him, Soviet came across his butler, who looked as if he had just arrived when he had worked here for 5 years. Tapping on the confused person's shoulder, successfully gaining their attention, the union spoke.

"Mind explaining why weren't you at my office yet, L/n?"


You were just looking around trying to see anything that could give you a hint about where your master's office was when someone tapped your shoulder rather aggressively. Flinching, you turned around and was greeted with an irritated Soviet Union. 

"Mind explaining why weren't you at my office yet, L/n?" Anxious, you lightly bowed at the union and spoke.

"M-My apologies sir! I was lost!" You were screwed, since, from all the fanfics you've read, the male was mostly depicted as someone who doesn't tolerate mistakes, and he'll probably murder you because you couldn't figure out how to go to his office. But to your surprise, he only let out a sigh and shook his head, mumbling.

"I thought Elizaveta was joking about you hitting your head... Anyways, I have a meeting with my allies, so I'd like you to watch my children for me. They're in the library studying," he looked at you for a second, then continued, "The library is on the second floor, at the east side of the mansion. Ask a maid if you still can't find it.

Even when you've been walking back and forth through all the corridors on the left side of Soviet's mansion for several hours now, you still can't find his library. "JUST HOW BIG CAN A HOUSE BE-" That was until you felt a book hitting your head, frustrated, you turned around and to your surprise, it was the child version of Belarus, he was around 10. He looked at you grumpily before speaking up, "What's up with you today? You've been to my brother's library hundreds of times. Come on, I'll get you there. Or if you wish to see a raged Ruski then that's fine with me."

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Information and Quests

Love Interests unlocked: 27(+0)

Quest points: 0

Next quest milestone: 10 points

Routes unlocked: 0

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