14. Kids are a hassle

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A/n: Just in case anyone wanted to say that Soviet Union was a communist state, hence its members were also communist, Soviet Union was a shortened version of USSR and it's the shortened version of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. So, yeah, that's that-

Pretty long chapter, around 1.7k words, just to inform you all. Plus, like the previous chapter, the italic speeches are in Russian.

And grown Estonia is so pretty woo-

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Nodding nervously at the young Belarus, you carefully walked behind him as he leads you through several corridors and hallways. After a few minutes, he abruptly stopped in front of a huge wooden door and pushed it harshly, revealing an enormous and luxurious library inside. The youngster motioned you to come in and close the door behind the both of you. He then lead you to a huge table placed in the middle of the room. You could make out some familiar faces, but there were more countries than you had thought.

As the young male took a seat next to his twin sister, he eyed you with visible confusion, before speaking up aggressively. "Can't you see there are new countries? Why don't you introduce yourself to them, huh?!

"Belarus sure is more aggressive when he was young..." Murmuring, you turned yourself to face the younger countries. "I am Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

The youngest countries looked at each other for a bit before a country with a red flag with rippling water at the bottom and a socialist symbol on the top left corner started to introduce herself. 

"Well it's nice to meet you L/n! I am Latvia! The ones next to me are Estonia and Lithuania! All three of us are USSR's adopted sisters!" Latvia exclaimed while smiling fondly at you. Her sisters Estonia and Lithuania only gave you a slight nod, their stoic expressions remained. 

Nodding and returning the smile Latvia sent your way, you then shifted your gaze onto more... unfamiliar countries, you could recognize Moldova and Georgia, at least that was what you recalled. Feeling your intense gaze on them, a female country whose flag consisted of a quite narrow stripe of blue on a red flag, and of course, a socialist symbol on the top left corner of her face spoke up.

"Please stop staring at us, if you want us to introduce ourselves, you could just voice them out." Her eyes gazed sharply at yours for a minute before she talked again, "I'm Armenia, happy?"

Some other countries decided to follow in their moody sister's footsteps. You could hear several names in several different manners such as 'Kyrgyzstan, that's it' or 'I'm Azerbaijan!' there were also those who were shy and didn't introduce themselves. It was nice to meet more countries, at least that was what you thought, since watching them, was a hassle. The atmosphere was so tense that you just wanted to back out and return to the original timeline already. But of course, life isn't like eating a piece of cake, there was no way to get back, and since that was the case, you should start to think of a plan soon.

Glancing at the countries you already knew in the future, you unintentionally smirked as a plan formed in your brilliant mind. 

"Um... why are you smirking like that?" An uncertain voice spoke, snapping back to reality, you turned to see who the voice belonged to, turns out it belonged to young Kazakhstan, who seemed to be creeped out by your behavior. Shooting an apologetic look at him, you went back to help little Latvia with her maths problems while the plan still lingered in your mind.

After some time, the USSR was finally done with his meeting, and he had let you go rest for the day, 'since my siblings are a hassle sometimes,' he quoted. You were alone in your room, yet again, thinking about your plan to retrieve the discarded strategy. 

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