To the child in me

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To the child in me.
Keep looking at the stars,
Dreaming of undiscovered worlds.
Keep guessing the color of the next car,
Expecting for it to always be yellow.
Keep creating stories in your head,
Wishing for the perfect love story.

To the child in me.
Keep nourishing the world in your head.
And don't let anyone criticize you for having you head in the clouds.
They are just too much in the "real" world.
They are just jealousy of the happiness behind you're eyes.
They want to destroy this, because otherwise, they can't control you.

To the child in me.
Keep dreaming for me.
I stopped that way to soon.
I used to have so many scenarios playing in my head.
I used to creat a whole story based on nothing.
I used to dream.
I used to have hope.
I used to live, really, truly, fully.

Now I don't even know how I'm still breathing.

To the child in me.
Please, never stop dreaming.
The world in your head is so much more magical than the real one.
You'll be disappointed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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