Nothing is your fault always

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 "Never I will never let you heal me because I myself don't get cut to let you come near me" : Beryl said with cold voices and avoid eye contact as her eyes got tearly :

"I know you are hurt but I can't understand why you don't let me go near you rather push me away if you keep doing this then you will really become alone forever" : Edda said with a bit frustrated mix in his voice :


"W-what ! I am making you......comfortable I am sorry for make you feel like that.....I am going now" : Edda said with guilty and sad feeling inside him yet cover it with emotionless expression then left from her house making Beryl realize what she has done just minutes ago now :

"I knew it I am nothing but a bad luck everything is always my fault she also left me because of my fault everyone leaves me the reasons is same" : Beryl said crying mess sitting on the ground :

"Everyone of us has two faces one is to show for the world which is always loving and fittable to the society another face is the real us which sometimes we lost it just to become someone else"

Another day the sun rise with goodness of new beginning and warm morning for some people the sun rise is happiness or nightmare but that's our destiny if we have to face bad day today then it will happen no matter what if it's written happiness what we will encounter then we will face it still what matter and possible is to change is ourselves.

If something bad happen then fight with the bad problem prove them that you are not wrong as it said that there is no bad problem without solution then think of the positive solution but if something good happen then ready to face the bad as it said that there is always cam weather before storm come.

In a mansion where Edda trying to write a single chapter yet can't do it only writing hateful or revenging chapter which is not suppose to write as the story is only about emotional , healing and love with a little bit of drama that can't be written with the hands of Edda who is failed for the 10th time now annoyed he go to his balcony only to glance once beside the house of Beryl as he is feeling bit a little bit lonely which he will not admit.

When he is enjoying the wind which is hitting on his face continues making Edda sign in satisfied but that soon turn into a frown when he heard a loud scream and glass dropped sound from Beryl's house standing a panic Edda thinking weather he should go inside or not then he close his eyes feeling what his body wants.

His mind is saying not to go as she hurt his pride and humiliate him just because he wants to help her and want to be friend of hers however his hearts says that she must have her own reasons to behave like that as humans always like to hide themselves from the reality just to satisfy in the world of lies or imagination finally he decided what to do as he run towards the house of Beryl cause he choose his heart.

He bang on the door but no one reply making him nervous then he started to scream her name still no reply then again he try to open the door when he didn't hear anything he is about to left when he hear a muffle scream that's it he break open the door only to meet a struggling Beryl with a man who trying to kill her with his hand on her neck.

Before Beryl or the man would react he punch the man on his mask face which made his face touch the ground and finally Beryl can breath normally still taking a sharp breath Edda started to beat the man merciless making Beryl go towards him and stop him from beating the man any further when Edda stop beating him the man take this golden chance and ran away making Edda angry more.

"Why do you stop me from beating him I would only made him faint now see he ran away" : Edda said angrily also confuse as Beryl is looking at him with calm face :

"Just calm down and sit on the sofa as this is your first time coming in my house also thank you for saving me" : Beryl said with emotionless face and about to go into her modern kitchen when Edda hold her wrist made her hit her head on Edda's muscular chest :

"What in the world is happening ?? can't you see that someone almost try to KILL you and here you are acting like nothing happen what is wrong with you" : Edda scream while holding her wrist tightly making Beryl whimper a little yet didn't speak a little word :

Because it's normal this is not the first time I get attacked by the same man it always happen every 16 once a month and today was the Date so he tried to kill me again but because of you I couldn't died : Beryl said with no emotion leaving a utter shocked Edda :

Suddenly Edda hold Beryl's both shoulder then make eye contact ask : "Why don't you want to live ?? why you want to die ?" : this made Beryl shocked a little because other people ask "omg let's call police" "or are you crazy" , "How can you live like this you should really die" like this comment but Edda is different he ask about her:

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