Mark quickly spun around as he hollered out what the fuck! Sully was standing right behind him with his high dollar sunglasses and told him how in the fuck did he figure we all were there, when they were still short 2 people now that he and Sandy just got there. Klay stood up and shook Sully's hand and ended in a brotherly hug, as he welcomed him and Sandy both to his home. He playfully gave Sandy a spin and a kiss while telling her what a knockout she became since the last time he seen her. But then again Sully looked around and said all the ladies turned out to be sexy as hell, as he slipped his shades off and made his rounds with his hugs and greets. Mickey placed a cigarette between his lips while asking Sully about his story and how he and Sandy re-met and made it as a couple. Sully lit up his Marlboro and said after he became very successful with his band he found Sandy following him on Twitter and they talked about old times and then he invited her to join him on tour and after that one tour she never left n he's been stuck with her ever since and just refuses to leave his ass alone. By that time Sandy was slapping the shit out of him while he was laughing uncontrollably telling them all that he was joking, that he wouldn't let her leave because he went gaga over her during the time they spent together and that they been together for so long to them they were married already. Sandy pushed Sully into one of the empty chairs then sat on his lap and said she was still patiently waiting for the wedding band though if he'd ever get his short n sexy ass on the ball n stop delaying the inevitable. Sully just snickered under his breath and asked Klay if he had the same problem as he did. Klay without looking at him said he didn't think so, because he actually asked Abby to marry him first and if anyone was pushing the marital play it was him.
So far the family of friend get together was going smoothly and everyone was having a blast. It wasn't until later that evening when they all at the same time asked why Crazy Crisstopher wasn't there yet, and where Kacie was at...which in turn led to Sully and Mickey both asking Klay why in the hell he wasn't marrying Kacie instead because they in fact were the strongest lovers all growing up and even right before he left for Tokyo they were still inseparable. No sooner than them speaking of it Abby's insecure temper came out and told them both that Kacie was his past childhood fling and now he was a man and found love with her and that wasn't going to change no matter if Kacie showed up or not! Then she told them all to stop rubbing it in her face about Klay and his past fling with Kacie. Sully was now officially laughing his ass off while telling her she needed to stop being so jealous of Kacie, and to grow the fuck up. Then Sully got serious very quickly and told her that what he and Kacie shared was no fling it was real love and it was their families that tore them apart, then he added onto it how good she feels knowing that she was stealing from Kacie and he could actually see the irony steaming from her eyes knowing that she finally got Kacie's man away from her just like she's always wanted to do back then, the only difference was now Kacie wasn't here to fight back...yet.
Klay asked them both to just cool it, and that time changes everything and everyone, and not to start laying blame or thinking the worst of her, because he did fall in love with Abby during their time together. Sully stopped him in mid sentence and asked him to be totally honest and tell him to his face if Kacie was to show up that he wouldn't have any feelings come back and realize that he was making a mistake being with Abby. Klay looked away knowing fully well that he couldn't promise that he wouldn't have any feelings if or when he ever seen Kacie or not. But he did look up at Sully and told him that he wasn't making any mistakes about Abby and that he loved her very much. Sandy slapped Sully on his head and told him to stop and just let it go, because Sully was always like that even when they were punks, he was always blunt and honest no matter who's feelings he hurt he never believed in white lies or stretching the truth to make people feel better and that was one thing all the girls back then hated him for accept for Kacie she actually loved and admired him for it. Abby stood up and stormed into the house throwing her personal anger tantrum on how Sully was always sticking up for Kacie and how she always used to stick up for him when all the other girls were against his ass. Mickey and Mark both stayed silent as Klay walked into the house to calm Abby down and not let Sully's short and silly ass rile her so much. But Mark and Mickey both told Sully after Klay left that he was right about what he said though because Abby always was jealous of Kacie for how close she was with Klay, and now after her little jealousy outburst they both were beginning to think that maybe this was Abby's way of getting back at Kacie from their past by marrying Klay and rubbing it in Kacie's face for getting him before she could.
Meanwhile back in Vegas, Criss was helping Kacie in the Mindfreak RV while tossing all their luggage in the back, he slapped her ass and kissed her lips as he asked her if she was ready to head to Los Angeles and join up with their friends. Kacie gave him a loving squeeze before she sat in the passenger seat and told him she was born ready. Criss gave her a loving smile as he told her he was so in love with her, then they both headed out towards California.
The House!
FanfictionA group of childhood friends reunite after year's of separation, and thru a vacation trip they relearn how much they care for each other and the love that they had for one another never really left, but with all the changes and mixed emotions always...