The plane ride itself was delightfully fun and peaceful for all of us for a change, I was beginning to ignore my wife a whole lot more though because for some reason as soon as all of us got together again her true colors were starting to burst out and I wasn't impressed or liking what I was seeing and having to deal with. I knew she was bound to start another fight with Kacie and Criss was just waiting for it, because he was seriously wanting to kick her ass. I have to admit he was extremely protective of Kacie but I couldn't blame him at all, for I would be the same way if she was mine again. Damn I missed her so badly and was thinking of anything just to get her back...then I'd look at Criss my oldest and closest friend/blood brother and get pissed off at myself for even thinking about doing that to him, FUCK! I just didn't know what to think anymore, all I did know was that I still loved her.
I didn't snap out of the deep thought I was in until I felt something hit me on the head...I looked over to where Criss & Kacie were sitting as I heard Criss jokingly telling me to stop ogling his girl because it wasn't very good for a married man to do especially with his wife sitting right beside him. At first I was going to give him a smartass comeback but instead I looked over to see my newlywed wife giving me the deathstare of complete jealousy, I guess I was staring at Kacie way too long without realizing it. But instead of saying anything I simply hunkered down in my seat and put in my earbuds and closed my eyes while listening to my favorite jams. Abby rolled her eyes at Kacie the turned to face the window and eventually went to sleep. Sully and Sandy were both laughing their asses off watching the entire scenario of our very interesting lovers/haters triangle that was becoming very noticeable by everyone. Criss wrapped his arms around Kacie as she leaned her head against his chest while she ran her fingers through his hair.
For the rest of the flight there was no more hostile feelings or jealousy streaks, we all had colorful and very comical conversations, along with singing karaoke with each other while Sully and I strummed on our guitars. Then we'd sleep for a few hours, then it was Criss's turn to entertain us with some very perverted bits of magic, after his lil magic performance was over with we each went our separate ways and had quality personal time with our loving partners. Abby and I wrapped around each other for a nap, Sandy was sitting on Sully's lap while he had his arms and guitar wrapped around her as he was softly serenading her. Mark and Missy were silently sharing a cigarette and a diet coke. Rachel was reading a book to Mickey as he was taking a nap with his head on her lap as she was stroking his hair with her free hand. Criss and Kacie were sitting further away from the rest of us in the corner playing a lil bit of poker, none of us took interest in it though until I seen that were playing strip poker and Kacie was losing, Abby was sound asleep in my arms with my earbuds in, I stayed laying down but instead of closing my eyes again they were staring at Kacie in her undergarments, damn she had a sexy ass body, but luckily Criss was too wrapped up in her and his game to see me ogling yet again on Kacie's goods, but why not she was stripping down in front of all of us, & any real man would know after seeing on sexy lady naked, they want to see all sexy ladies naked.
After Kacie lost the card game they both decided on just grabbing a pillow and blanket and sleeping on the floor in their lil corner of the plane, because the damned plane seats just weren't comfortable. But it wasn't sleep they did, & I found myself turn green once again at the thought of him having what I once had and want back, but can no longer have. Instead of letting it get the best of me I turned around in the seat and faced Abby and wrapped around her and tried to go to sleep, for it wouldn't be long now til we landed at our final destination.
The next thing I knew Sully was tapping my shoulder telling me if i didn't want to take the plane back home I better wake up and gather my shit because the plane has landed and it was time to hop off. I jumped up and gathered all of our shit then grabbed Abby that was still dead to the world, and followed my family off the plane. Criss was holding Kacie bridal style for she was just a lil sick from the jet lag and everytime she'd open her eyes she'd get nauseous and to add to it the altitude and pressure was much different than the United States and Kacie was definitely feeling the sickness from it, So Criss carried her to the cabby that was waiting for us, when the driver seen all of us were together he called in for another cab to help haul us to the hotel where we would be staying. As soon as we all made it into our own personal rooms it didn't take long for Kacie to fall fast asleep from fatigue of flight sickness. I went in and asked Criss how she was doing, he told me she would be ok after she's rested up some, then added cooly that he was taking care of her. I ignored my friends last comment n told him I would be back to fetch them all for supper before it got too much later.
The House!
FanfictionA group of childhood friends reunite after year's of separation, and thru a vacation trip they relearn how much they care for each other and the love that they had for one another never really left, but with all the changes and mixed emotions always...