Chapter 6 - Cross (Part 1)

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Cross POV:

I was drawing on my stomach, kicking my legs behind me. It was a bit depressing, sitting in the white void that used to be my au. A guy named Ink brought me the drawing things. He was really nice and often came to draw with me every now and then. I was drawing him. I didn't really have much else to draw anyway. He cut his last visit short because he'd said something was wrong somewhere. Dream-something he said. I never knew that much about aus.

~Time Skip~

It had been awhile since Ink left. I had no way to tell time, so I just assumed it's been a while. I was starting to get sad. Ink usually comes and checks up on me quite often. I finished my drawing and wanted to show him. Maybe I could sleep and he'll be here by the time I get up!

~Another Time Skip~

I woke up and waited some more. Still no one. 'Did he forget about me?' I thought with worry. I knew Ink was forgetful, but I hoped he wouldn't forget me. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. 'Do I have to be alone again?' I pulled my hood over my head and hugged my knees to my chest. I knew it had been more than a day now. Ink always checked on me or even just popped in to make sure I was alive at least once a day. I started crying. I don't want to be alone again! I cried and cried until...

"Are you okay?" I quickly turned, tears still staining my face. A goopy skeleton stood behind me. He had four tentacles coming out of his back. He was leaning towards me. "I mean no harm." He said, probably seeing the look on my face. "What's your name?" He asked.

"C-Cross..." I replied. "Wh-who are y-you?" I shakily asked.

"I'm Nightmare. The king of negativity. I promise I mean you no harm. I could feel that you were upset." He answered, crouching down beside me. "I wanted to help. You felt lonely more than anything. I know how that feels."

"Really?" I quietly asked.

"Mhm. I was lonely before. Than I...recruited?" He stopped for a moment before continuing. "a little family."

"Wow! I wish I could do that! But Ink won't let me leave here. And I'm only four."

"Ink?" He said, he sounded disgusted towards him. "Do you wanna join my little family? It won't be like yours...used to be...but I'll try to make you feel at home, Cross." I looked at him in awe. I was about to accept when I heard.

"Hello Cross! Sorry that took soooo..." It was Ink. He trailed off at seeing Nightmare. "Cross get away!" Ink grabbed me and Nightmare stood up. Ink put me behind him.

"Ink no! He's nice!" I yelled. It fell on deaf ears as Ink and Nightmare started fighting.

I watched. This was bad. Very bad. Nightmare seemed to be winning as the fight raged on. Ink then suddenly stopped and ran towards me. He scooped me up and teleported away. I screamed my protests. We arrived in what I assumed was his place. There were two other skeletons. One had a blue scarf on and the other had a crown and bright yellow cape. Ink put me on the ground and began explaining things. I cut him off by screaming. 'I almost had a family again and he took it away!' My mind shouted at me. Ink grabbed me and sat down with me on his lap. I continued yelling and shouting. Ink was trying to calm me but I wouldn't listen. I was not about to calm down. I was mad.

Nightmare POV:

I stood stunned in the broken au. He was right there. He was about to accept. I could feel it. But Ink just had to come. I was steamed. That coward took him and ran! I knew I wasn't going to find him right now though. I had to figure out where he took took Cross. He had a way of hiding his place from me. That's why I can't find Dream right now either. I decided to go home.

Horror, Killer, and Dust were waiting for me. They wanted an explanation to where I went. "No explanation right now." I said. I looked at the time. It was 8:00 pm. "Bed time." They collectively "awwww"'d sadly. I picked them up with my tentacles and went towards their rooms. I needed to go plan a way to find the Star's base. I tucked them into bed and kissed their foreheads goodnight. That was one of the parts I didn't like doing. Of course, I wouldn't let them know that. I went into my room and sat at my desk. I tried to see if I could feel Cross' negativity, but to no avail. I called Error. I know he found where Ink was once, but it was by chance. We talked for awhile. It didn't help much. Error offered to keep an eye out. I thanked him. He really was my best friend. I kept strategizing. Nothing worked. I had no leads to where their base was. 'Maybe Cross will like it there.' I thought. Then I remembered how he started yelling to Ink right when he picked him up. He didn't want to go with Ink. 'I will find their base.' I thought.

~The Next Day~

Dust POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night. Well it was 3:00 am, so it was closer to morning. I couldn't sleep. Maybe Nightmare could read me a story or, something. I hopped out of bed and put my jacket on. I pulled my hood up and walked out. I walked over to his room to see the lights were on. I knocked.

"Who is it?" He sounded tired.

"Dust." I replied.

"Come in, Dust." I opened the door quietly and closed it the same. Nightmare was sitting at his desk. He looked stressed. "Do you need something, Dust?"

I forgot my own worries at seeing his state. "Are you okay? You seem really stressed. What caused this?" I asked. I'd grown to like see Nightmare as a father and I didn't like seeing him like this.

"I'm okay, Dusty. Go back to bed." He yawned right after saying that.

I frowned. "Not until you tell me. Maybe I can help." He looked at me. He seemed to be thinking. He sighed.


"...And now I want to kick that inky bastard's ass." He finished. I was now sitting on his lap.

"Why don't you draw one of them out? Or take one prisoner?" He looked at me. "Then force it out of them. You could do that? Right?" He looked a bit upset.

"I can't take on all three Stars at once." He said.

"Then let us help! We'd love to help get this Cross kid back!" I shouted.

"Quiet down. You'll wake Horror." Nightmare said. "And I am not risking you three getting hurt."

"We won't!"

"You can't promise that!" Nightmare almost shouted. I shrank back. He hadn't gotten that upset before. "Sorry, Dust. I'm stressed."

"Me and Killer can fight well. You've seen how much Horror has improved. Please!" I pleaded.

"Dust, you three haven't faced the Stars. Now that Dream is there, they have ranged attacks too. They aren't like the aus I've taken you guys too. They can really hurt you."

I pouted. There's no way these 'Stars' are that tough.

"Maybe we could kidnap one of them." Nightmare suddenly said. "We could get the blue one. He has an au named Underswap. If we got him when he was there...his brother though. His brother is super overprotective."

"Kill the brother." I suggested.

"No. We take Blue when he's coming home. His brother will think he just stayed with the other Stars and vise versa. Thanks, Dust. The prisoner idea helped."

I giggled. "Now, how do we help?" I asked.
Okay, I'm cutting this into two or more chapters. I hope enjoy!

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