Chapter 8 - Adjusting

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Nightmare POV:

I was trying to read with the prince alone. Was. When Cross came in, upset.

"Nightmare!" He said. He was clearly angry.

"Yes?" I replied. Looking over my book at him.

"Horror took my chocolate!" Cross shouted.

"And?" I said. What was I supposed to do?

"Can't you make him give it back to me?" Cross asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Have you tried that?"

"I did! He ran up to his room and locked it. He won't give it back!" Cross was getting very upset.

"Okay, I'll help." I said. I looked at the prince. He was glaring. I picked up Cross and began walking out, the prince still glaring daggers at me.

I went to Horror's room and knocked. He opened the door with chocolate on his face. He saw Cross in my arms and stood shocked.

"Did you take his chocolate?" I asked, a strict tone in my voice.

"No this was mine. He tried to take it from me." Horror lied. I knew he was lying. I felt it.

"Horror. I can feel you lying. Apologize." I ordered. Horror glared at the ground.

"I was hungry!" Horror complained.

"You could have asked me for food. That isn't an excuse to take your sibling's candy." I started referring to them as siblings. They liked it. Horror gave a half-hearted apology.

"I still don't have chocolate." Cross complained.

"I'll get you some more." I reassured. "Now I need to make you idiots dinner. Wanna help, Horror?" I asked, placing Cross on the ground.

"Okay." Horror still sounded upset.

~Time Skip~

I was trying to get the kids ready for bed. Killer was refusing. Cross was already asleep, Horror was getting ready, and Killer and Dust hadn't even started. I hadn't even got to Dust yet.

"Killer. You need sleep." I said.

"No!" He shouted "I'm not tired!" He stomped on the floor.

"I swear if you wake Cross..." I mumbled "What Can I do to get you to sleep?" I said, straining my voice to sound sweet. My patience was running out.

"Hmm..." Killer was thinking. "Get me something to kill!" He said happily.

"Anything?" "Anything!"

I teleported away to Underfell. I grabbed an angry Snowdrake and teleported back. I threw the Snowdrake on the floor.

"Kill it." Killer smiled and summoned his knife.

Killer dusted the Snowdrake and was still smiling like a maniac. "Go to bed." I said. He glared up at me.

"No." I was about to lose it.

"Go. To. Bed." I ordered, my voice was strict and threatening. Killer backed up and went to get ready. I calmed down and said goodnight to him.

Dust had heard me and got to bed while I was dealing with Killer.

I went back to my own room and flopped onto my bed. The prince floated up beside me, arms crossed.

"Are you mad I didn't read to you?" I asked. He just stared, not moving. "Ugh, Why did I take in four kids? I forgot how annoying they can be." The prince patted my head, or tried to. His hand went through me. "Why did I even feel bad for them? I never feel bad. For anyone. Why them?" The prince stared, giving me a confused look. I covered my head with my pillow. "I regret my life, prince-thing." I could tell he rolled his eyes before he left. "I need to adjust. Adjust to them living here and getting interrupted. I sighed.

"So do you feel for us or not?" I recognized Dust's voice.

"Dust?!" I shot up and looked at him. "Of course I do-"

"Then what's this thing with this prince you were talking about?" Dust sounded upset.

'Here's your chance to adjust, Night.' I looked at Dust. "Dust, I didn't mean that. I do care for you four more than anything I have before. Why? I don't know. But I do care." I walked over to Dust and hugged him. He didn't accept the big, but he didn't deny it either. "I kissed the top of his skull. He pulled his hood farther up and leaned into my chest.

"Thank you though. You've been really nice to us." He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." I picked him up and brought him back to his room. I put him in his bed and watched him climb under the covers. "Goodnight, Dust." I said, turning off his light. He returned the words and went to sleep.

~Oh look, another Time Skip~

3rd person POV:

Nightmare soon got the hang of understanding the kids and not ordering them around. They tried to not fight as much and be nicer to Nightmare. They knew that with his job, he got stressed easier, especially with Dream undoing his work. He always made time for them though.
Idk what I'm doing...

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