we are looking at some creamy clouds they so pretty but not as pretty as mike.
my mikey poo
not that birtch 11
tbh she got what she deseved with angela and bald ass head
i caress mikes shoulder
he turns his head to me his brown orbs gaze on my goofy ball cut
i check to see if anyone is watching. but they still looking at them juicy clouds mmmmmm
i grab his skinny arms, and place the4 on my shiny hair. i make him caress my shiny hair. as he does that i look into to his eyes but actually get a glimes of his big ass nostrells and plant a little kiss on them.
to that he bends me down and i grab his skinny ass #pancakelife
we smoochy ccoochie while others inhale the dustybuns of infinity war
i could feel his little brother rubbing at my thigh....