♡♤MC X Asra - Love Me Instead♤♡

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It was just another day at the shop. Asra had just finished a reading for a client, and as they left, MC sat across from the magician themself.

"Hey, I have something to ask you..." MC began.

"Sure, ask away,"

MC fiddled with their hands on the table.

"So, S/O and I haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye lately... We never agree on anything, we're always getting into arguments, and it's like we're not even on the same page anymore. I really love them, but things feel like they're falling apart."

Asra reached out and put a comforting hand on MC's.

"I'm sorry things aren't going the way you wished," He said.

"What are you disagreeing on? How big do the arguments get?"

MC shifted in their seat.

"We fight about everything. And somehow it always ends in a shouting match. I hate how they never listen to what I'm saying. I try so hard to see where they're coming from, and sometimes I recognize that they have a point, and I'll admit to it. But they never do the same. It's so infuriating! It's like they don't appreciate my views and opinions."

"Have you tried calmly discussing how you feel in those situations? Make it clear that good communication and mutual understanding are a must for your relationship and ask that they try to see things from your point of view."

MC nodded, running their hands through their hair.

"You're right, I need to have a calm discussion with them first. Thanks, Asra, you're the best."

Asra smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. 

The magician harboured feelings for his apprentice for years while they lived and worked together. He even gave up half of his heart just for them to come back to life! Seeing MC in a relationship with someone else always did sadden him, but he resolved to love MC unconditionally, no matter with whom their heart lay.

To be honest,  Asra really wanted to tell MC to end the relationship, while simultaneously wanting to punch S/O for not appreciating MC. Don't they know they have the best person in the world as their partner?!

A few days later, MC was watching the shop while Asra was out. S/O came in at their request to talk about the fighting and the pair moved into the back room.

The discussion soon dissolved into a heated argument once again as S/O refused to believe that he should take MC's opinions and point of view into consideration.

"Please just listen to me!" MC begged. "I just wanted to talk this out calmly, not have another fight!"

Neither party heard the chime of the bell as Asra returned through the front door to hear the yelling.

S/O's shouts and MC's pleas continued until S/O emerged from behind the curtains and stormed out of the shop, slamming the door shut behind them.

MC also came out from behind the curtains, wiping away tears.

Asra didn't say a word, he just pulled MC into a tight embrace and held them there in his arms as they cried.

When tears ran dry, he pulled away and put the kettle on for some tea as they sat around the table.

"What's wrong with me?" MC lamented. "Why can't they hear what I have to say? Am I not good enough?"

Asra's heart ached in his chest hearing MC belittle themself like that.

"There is nothing wrong with you, MC. You're more than enough. If S/O can't be bothered to hear you out and have a simple discussion, they're the one at fault."

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