🎶I kissed a girl. Accidentally🎶

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Now I'm just gonna start off saying I am not a lesbian, or bi, or pan, or anything else like that.

I am an AroAce (Aromantic, no romance and Asexual, no sex).

Okay so now that we have gotten that point over.

Here is the story.

Well stories.

Story number 1.

I was about 3 or 4 years old, and I was in this daycare thing my school had.

It only had kids my age there so not really daycare but still daycare?

I don't know how to explain it.


I playing with one of the other girls in daycare and the daycare had this cardboard house thing.

She decided that she wanted to play house, and wanted me to play with her to be her wife.

We had one of those baby dolls and that was our child.

And because we were married we kissed each other.

7 years later I return to that same school (but for 4th grade not daycare) and find out who the girl was.

She moved the year before so I never got to meet her again.

Story number 2.

It was second grade, and I was best friends with this girl.

Let's call her Bella (that's not her real name).

Anyways me and Bella were teacher's kids and all of us teacher kids would stay after school and wait until all of the normal kids were picked up, then we would go to our parent's classrooms and stay there until our parents decided to go home.

If one teacher was tired of their kids then they would send them to one of the other teachers.


One day we were walking to our parent's school (our parents worked at the middle school while we were obviously at the elementary) it was raining and I couldn't hear what she was saying so I got closer to Bella to hear her.

I slip and accidentally kiss her on her cheek.

I said sorry and said she could kiss me back because I kissed her and she did, because that's what us little kids did.

Last time I talked to her was 2 years ago and she turned into a bitch.

She doesn't even remember what happened.

Well at least I hope so.

And I would like to say none of my parents know about this event.

And I hope they never do.

Because then I would have to explain it.

Things I Just remembered from when I was a kidWhere stories live. Discover now