My second grade bully

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When I was in second grade I had a bully. (Yes this was the same year that I kissed Bella)

My bully had been held back the year before so he was older than everyone else. So of course he had that 'I'm older than everyone else that means I'm better and stronger than any of you because of it' complex.

Let's call him José.

José had a gang of people who were just like him.

And just like him I mean they all bullied me.

I did not like them.

I can't write all of the shit that they did to me. That would take to long.

However, whenever I told my parents or my teacher about what was happening, no one would believe me.

I mean who bullies a second grader.

Well newsflash adults everyone gets bullied regardless of age.

Anyways I moved schools that next year so I never had to see him again.

But that summer when I asked my mom about why he did all of that stuff she said that José liked me.

Yeah I didn't believe a word she said.

Then she said that he told her that he liked me. (Remember my mom was a teacher that year)

I believed her at the time, because well 1 I was 9 and 2 I was never going to see him again so I didn't really care.

Now looking back at it, there is no way in hell that he liked me.

And if he did there is no way he would tell my mom.

So why do parents think when a boy bullies a girl it means that he likes her??

Things I Just remembered from when I was a kidWhere stories live. Discover now