2- sick (matt)

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i've been dating matt since i was 14,and now i'm 17.
i met chris in kindergarten and we were really close friends until i met nick. then i started hanging with nick so much, and then i started dating matt.

matt's been sick for the past 3 days and he isn't getting any better.
we don't know what he has, but it's bad.
he said he has the worst headache constantly, he's been throwing up, he's got a runny nose , and he has a really sore throat.
it took lots of convincing, because he didn't want to get me sick, but he's gonna let me go see him.
i know i probably will get sick, but i don't care anymore because i just wanna see my boyfriend.

i decided to just wear one of his hoodies and a pair of black shorts.
i couldn't find my contacts today so i decided i could just wear my glasses.
i had my hair back in 2 ultra tight french braids, the same braids i've had in my hair for the past 2 days.
idec what i look like, i've been dating matt for 3 years.

i grabbed my keys and with that, i was out the door.
it was a short drive to the triplets house.
i've been going to their house for so many years i don't even knock anymore. i just walk in lmao.
i went straight up to matt's room and knocked on the door. i heard a soft and raspy 'come in.' so i opened the door and saw matt, curled up in his bed, hugging a bucket, a few used tissues on the floor near his bed.

"aww, matty." i walked over to his bed and sat next to him.

he sniffled and cuddled into me.

"so, are you getting any better?" i asked him, stroking his hair.

"no. i feel so gross, i haven't showered since i got sick, and i smell like throw up."
he sounds so sick.
my poor boy.

"have you eaten anything today?" i kinda feel bad for asking so many questions, but i do that to everyone.

"yeah, nick made me eat soup. and i ate toast when i woke up." he told me, letting go of the bucket and putting his arms around me.

"good. when's the last time you threw up? sorry. too many questions." i corrected myself.

"no it's okay. about an hour ago..and  i usually this up like..once every hour." i felt his grip around my waist get tighter.

"that means you don't have long until your gonna be sick again." i rubbed his back.

"i know-"he let go of me and ran to his bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
well at least he didn't throw up on me🤷‍♀️
i got up and knocked on the door.
"matt ru ok?"
i opened the door to see him, on his knees in front of the toilet, throwing up.
he brought his head up, flushed the toilet and sat, leaning against the wall.
"matty." i sat next to him.

"i hate being sick." he complained.

"i know."

sorry it's so short i just can't think of what else to add to this chapter

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