4- wreck (matt)

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"ok! matt we gotta go!" i called out to my boyfriend, grabbing all my bags.

i've been dating matt for 10 years.
it started out as a dumb crush, we were 9.
he proposed to me..with a ring pop.
it was strawberry flavor, i never ate it.
yk how when 9 year olds date..it's really just..telling people they're dating. and getting nervous around eachother, (most of the time.)
that's how it was for us.
but most relationships like that end after like.. a week.
but that's not it for us.
i became best friends with chris and nick, meaning i was at their house all the time, therefore, i was hanging with matt a lot too.
we started actually acting like a couple when we turned 12.
but at that point we didn't like- kiss.
we just held hands, tried to sit together at school, and of course, tell people we were dating.
but at 13, we were full couple.
we made out for the first time at 13.
but- we're both still virgins..technically.
we've only done..like..mouth stuff..and finger stuff..iykyk.

anyways. my family moved away to la when we were 16.
so for 3 years, we've been doing long distance.
but i fly out for boston every 6 months, and matt comes out to la like once a year and stays with me. but he comes to la often and stays with laura and madi.

i flew out to boston and i've been here for 2 weeks- give or take.
i fly home in an hour.

"ok! let's go." matt grabbed his keys and helped my with my bags, as we walked out to the van.
we hopped in and started driving.
"ugh, i'm gonna miss you sm." i complained.
"i'll miss you more." matt whined.
i crossed my arms and looked out the window.

a couple minutes went by.
"we're here." matt put the van in park.
i unbuckled my seatbelt and and went around to the trunk to grab my bags.
we walked inside and then it was time to say goodbye.
i sighed. "i'll see you in a couple months.."
"ugh." matt hugged me.
there was an announcement that i had to board my plane.
"matt i gotta go.." he still hadn't let go.  "matt!"
he let go and kissed me.
"ok. i love you."
"i love you."
i grabbed my bag and headed off to my flight.
once i got to my seat, i saw who i was sat next to.
a little girl and her mom.
the little girl looked to be about 6.
i sat down in my seat.
"hello!" the little girl said in a very cheery voice.
"hi!" i said back.
"i'm miranda, what's your name?"
aww she's so sweet.
"i'm Y/N."
i pulled out my phone and saw matt had texted me.
i clicked the notification to text him back.


ru okay?
                                      yea. i'm sat next to a super
                                     cute little girl

call me when you land


"who are u texting?" miranda asked me.
"my boyfriend." i smiled.
"oh you have a boyfriend? is he handsome?"
"he's very handsome." omg she's so adorable.
"well is he nice?"
"he's very nice."
"ok good. mommy's boyfriend is handsome, but he's not nice."
"oh? uh ok."
bro what am i even supposed to say about that?
i plugged in my ear buds and listened to music and fell asleep until the plane landed.
when i landed i got an uber home.
i hopped into the car.
"hello." the uber driver said.
"uh hi."
it was silent as he started driving.
"do you ever feel just..a sudden hollowness?" he asked me.
"like you're empty. like you want to crash your car and die." he drove the car off the highway into the lake.

nick's POV

me, chris and matt were all sitting in the living room on our phones, while the news played in the background.
all of our attention shifted to the tv when the lady on the news said "local uber driver, rod lopez, in la drove his car into the lake.
rod and his passenger both died.
his passenger was very known on youtube."
i looked at chris and matt.
"there's no way.." chris said staring at the tv.
"she had over a million subscribers. her name was Y/N Y/L/N."
my heart dropped.
what the fuck!!
"no.." matt whispered.
"SHE'S DEAD?!" chris shouted.
"no- she's not dead!!" matt went into his phone and called Y/N. no answer. he called again. no answer.
"NO!!" he kept calling and texting but she never answered.
he sighed and ran to his room.

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