3- truth or dare (chris)

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(i've been best friends with nick since he came out.)

today was the triplets 19th birthday, so we're having a big sleepover. it's me, alahna, madi and the triplets of course.
it's about 8pm and everyone's been at the triplet's house for about 10 minutes, we're trying to decide what to do.

"we could watch a movie?" madi suggested.

"we always watch movies though." chris complained.

"what about we play a game?" i pushed my glasses back up to my eyes.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" matt gasped.

jesus lmao.

"ok, i'm going first. truth or dare..chris." alahna spoke.

"uh- dare."

"i dare you lick the ground."
he made a grossed out face and then licked the ground.


"Y/N truth or dare." chris grinned.

"dare. duh." i answered.

"i dare you to kiss alahna."

"c'mere baby girl." alahna jokingly bit her lip.

crawled over to sit in front of alahna and pulled her in for a kiss.
the kiss lasted about 7 seconds lmao.

ooh it's my turn..

"matt truth or dare."


"are you a virgin?"
damn i can feel my bra falling down.
i pulled up my bra as matt answered.

"PFFTT NO😂" everybody started laughing very obnoxiously.

"nick truth or dare." matt said, trying not to continue laughing.


"i dare you to grab a bottle and spin it and kiss whoever it lands on."

"ok..but i'm not kissing you or chris." he made a disgusted expression.
he got up and grabbed a bottle, when he came back he spinner it, and it landed on me.
damn that'll be my second kiss tonight.

"good thing i'm gay." he smiled and kissed me.

i laughed.

"madi truth or dare."

"are you a virgin?"


that's surprising. idk why though. nobody else here is a virgin.

"alahna truth or dare."

"huhhh- truth ig."

"when's the last time you've had a crush?"

"idek. like a year ago."

"Y/N truth or dare."

"dare obviously."

"you always pick dare. spin that bottle and do 7 minutes in heaven with whoever it lands on."

"damn ok."
i spun the bottle and it landed on chris. i looked up at him.

"well shit. let's go." we went to a closet and squeezed into it, closing the door.

"i hâte 7 minutes in heaven. it's so boring bc no one ever wants to do anything, even just have a conversation." he told me.

"then let's have a conversation." i said. it was silent for like a minute. a weird silence.

"Y/N?" i felt him looking at me.


he sighed.
"i like you."

"wait- really?" there's no way that my crush likes me.

"yeah. i have for awhile now."

this fucking closet is so small that i can feel his breath on my neck.

"i like you too.."

he was silent for a minute and then kissed me.
woah he's a good kisser.
i felt his tongue slip into my mouth and it danced with mine.
french toast 🤙🤙
there's no way i'm making out with chris fucking sturniolo rn.
i felt his hands reach my waist, so i put my arms around neck.
i pulled away and whispered 'it's been 5 minutes.'
he didn't say anything and he just connected our lips again.

we made out for a couple more minutes before alahna knocked on the door.
"times up."

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