17. Lunch

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The next morning, Eddie drove you to school. He had jokingly said that it was his duty now as your boyfriend, but you weren't complaining. You felt so proud as you walked into school side by side with him. Although you were so excited to be dating Eddie, you were a little worried about how the Hellfire guys would react.

By the time lunch came around, you had already ran through a million scenarios in your head about how they could react. Typically you sat at the end of the table, farthest away from Eddie, but Eddie told you he wanted you to sit by him. So after you went through the lunch line, you brought your tray over to the table and took a seat to Eddie's right. Eddie smiled at you as you sat down, but some of the other guys made questioning looks at each other.

Gareth walked over with his tray, saw that you were sitting in his spot, and simply said "Move, Y/L/N".

"I was actually thinking that I would sit next to Eddie today" you replied timidly.

"But this is my spot, I always sit here" Gareth insisted.

"Not anymore" Eddie stated.

"Dude!" Gareth said looking at Eddie.

"You heard me" Eddie insisted. There was an awkward pause where Eddie and Gareth just stared at each other in silence. You remained quiet during this exchange, not knowing what to say. Finally, Eddie added with a bit of a raised voice, "As my girlfriend, Y/N sits next to me. That's final". 

"Shit man, I didn't know you were dating, sorry" Gareth replied and took an open seat further down the table.

All of the Hellfire guys looked at each other, many not knowing what to say. Dustin then spoke up, "Congrats man" he said to Eddie with a cheeky grin and a thumbs up.

"Yeah, we're happy for you guys" Mike added awkwardly.

And then everything went back to the way it had been the week previous. You were so paranoid that the group would reject you or complain, but they surprisingly just moved on with their lives. You were grateful. This happens to you all the time though, overthinking and stressing out about something so small that others don't even think twice about. 

The boys quickly started talking about D&D

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The boys quickly started talking about D&D. Eddie apologized for not having had time to work on a new campaign, "I've been a little distracted lately" he said and gave you a wink. He then went on to promise that we would blow their minds with his next campaign. Actually, he became quite passionate and went on a long and dramatic rant about why they need to keep Hellfire alive even after he graduates, this mainly being directed at Dustin and Mike. 

Soon enough, the bell was ringing and you were off to your next class of the day. Thanksgiving Break was quickly approaching and so many of your teachers were assigned projects and homework to do over the break. You always hated it when teachers did this because you knew damn well that they wouldn't be doing anything over their break, so why should you be working over yours?

After school, Eddie drove you home because it was his duty after all. You would have loved to hang out with him, but seeing as you were grounded, you didn't really have a choice. Due to your lack of freedom, you had plenty of time to work on your enormous amount of school work. Your plan was to get a lot of schoolwork done and then help your mom around the house in hopes of her lessening your grounding. Over the next few days, you were going to make it your mission to earn your freedom back by the time Thanksgiving break arrived. 

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