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When Hayley woke up the next day, Grandpa Rob wasn't there. "He decided to take a walk", her father informed her. She was waiting for him eagerly when Kim appeared.

She showed Hayley her text message. It was from Ryan. "I am back in town. Meet me on Cafe Grande at 4:00p.m." Kim looked at Hayley with a mix of nervousness and expectation. "Hayley, he have never texted me this way before!" She said. "You missed him. Now you can meet him. Isn't it good?"
Kim thought for a moment before replying, "I think so, but I feel something bad." "Relax Kim. It's just the nerves. We will go together, if you want." Kim nodded.

That day, Alonso too joined to play golf with Mr Bentley and Mr Stevens. He thought that it would be a good sport to take his mind off things. He invited both Kim and Hayley. Kim was full of nerves and so she declined. Hayley was waiting for her grandfather and so she was in no mood to play.

When the men folk left, the women folk made delicious foods. Rosette and Lily got along very well and they were always together. Mrs Mount looked lonely and unwanted. She didn't know how to mingle with the others and she spend her time alone in her room.

As for Kim, she had a long shower to calm herself before visiting Ryan. Before showering, she removed Ryan's ring from her hand and placed it on the table. She was still sure that she have seen that ring somewhere, but she couldn't remember where it was. So she took a picture of it on her phone and then she went to shower.

Hayley waited for a long time before her grandfather came back. He looked much more enthusiastic and she realized that he might have got some news for her. But it was lunch time and everyone sat together to eat. Grandpa Rob told stories about his experiences as a lawyer and Hayley could see that everyone in the family loved him.

After lunch, Grandpa Rob decided to nap. "Tonight I got some news for all three of you." He said and departed to his room for a relaxing nap.

Kimberly dressed up to go to the Cafe Grande. She was in front of her mirror, when Hayley appeared. "Kim, remember that you told me something was wrong and that Ryan must be aware of it." Kim nodded. "So I was thinking, maybe you can find it out today." Kim looked at Hayley and said, "I don't know how I can do that Hayley."

"We just have three more days before our family decide to leave this manor. We need to find things before that time. So try your best. If Ryan is indeed involved in some way, then surely something would slip during the conversation." Kim wasn't sure if Ryan would be that careless. "And also-" Kim looked at Hayley to finish the sentence, "you need to go alone." Kim looked in a disapproving way at Hayley. "No way, you told me you were going to come with me". "I know that I said that, but then I thought about it and it won't be good. I mean, you and Ryan could talk freely, if it is just the two of you. So don't freak out and go talk to him." Kim needed a lot of Hayley's persuasion to prepare her for the evening. "Your memory should be sharp. So don't forget anything that you guys say during the conversation". At this, Kim hugged Hayley, "I am not the smart one Hayley. I don't know what to do." "Yes you do. You are smart, beautiful and extremely social, so you have nothing to worry about". Soon, Kim was on her way to Cafe Grande. Alonso decided to drop her off at the Cafe. "You know what Alonso. I think I will drive today. So can you give me the car keys?" Alonso smiled and handed her over his car keys.


When Kim reached the Cafe, she called Ryan. "Come to the last booth. I am already here". She walked to the last booth. It was a dimly lit booth secluded from the others.

She said a Hi and sat opposite him. For a few minutes, they sat silent. "So where did you go off so soon?" Kim asked after some time. "To visit a friend", he didn't explain it. Again they sat in silence when finally it was unbearable to Kim.

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