That day.....I met something I thought I'd never see

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The sun beamed on Armin's eye's as the sunlight came through his window blinds, Armin groaned and sat up with him rubbing his eyelids

Armin's hands fell back down to his legs and he looked around his room, seeing how messy it was.

Books, clothes, his backpack, and his manga collection. Armin sighed again, feeling that weight on his back

The same feeling you get when you have to do something you don't like, Armin didn't have a problem with cleaning it was just getting started was the problem

Armin grabbed his blanket and threw it off his legs, Armin then set his feet on the carpet and started walking to his bedroom door

But, not without grabbing his phone. He just expected that there would be texts from Eren or Mikasa

Armin lived with his grandpa but, he had to go out for awhile (I can't find a good reason why...just go along with it)

Armin switched on the TV just to watch whatever channel was on or at least just hear back round sounds. It was just something he was used to

His grandpa would turn the TV on and when Armin would walk out of his room and go into the kitchen, he would hear people talking in the background

It was just natural for him.

Armin opened the fridge to try and find something to eat or cook, Armin saw the carton of eggs and guessed he would have scrambled eggs

Taking the carton out and setting it on the counter and also grabbing a pan from the covered, all Armin was listening to was the TV

Nothing else to listen to besides a cricket that got in last night when Armin got home from shopping

It was on some show, Armin didn't really pay attention at first until he heard this sentence....

"Along with all the other disappearing people adding up more and more through the past weeks only two body's have been found, out of the 14 missing people"

Armin stopped what he was doing and he set the pan down on the stove, that was not on mind you, Armin turned around and looked at the TV seeing the 14 missing people show up on the screen

He had never heard of this before. Was this in his area? And 14?!

"The body's were found just off a highway, they had been examined closely leaving their deaths to be confirmed as mauled by what animal is the part they can't explain"

Armin leaned over the counter with hand over his mouth, they had shown the pictures of their mauled arms on the screen and many animal mouths

Going from a bear then to a wolves mouth, Armin listen further in getting worried

Was this in his area or not?!

"The where abouts of where these body's had been found is in town rose, just outside of a forest near town rose"


'great not only am I alone for a week but, there's a murderer on the lose!'
Armin thought to himself with his hands still on his mouth

Armin sighed again feeling worry wash over his whole body, it felt like a giant weight fell on his back and was pushing him down to his lowest fear

Armin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Taking his mind off the tv. He picked it up to see that it was Eren sending him a text

Armin? You free today I was thinking how about you, me, and Mikasa go hang out in town

Armin Arlert x Werewolf Reader  (Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now