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It took a while but, you both finally made it back to Armin's house. It was both fun and....terrible

Not only were you naked underneath two hoodies but, you also looked like a mess

You didn't start caring until people started looking at you....that's when it got terrible for you at least

"Nice home you got here" you said looking around, it was really a nice place

"Thank you, it could be better but, it's all I have right now" Armin put down his bag and started to unpack it

Armin looked over his shoulder and saw you looking at pictures on the wall

You walked over to the counter just to look at the things on it, you had never really been to a home like this

The only home you had was a run down shack in the forest that had been hidden well enough for you to hide in

So, everything in here was almost new to you. Almost everything....

"So, I was thinking that we get my friend Mikasa to help you tomorrow with your hair. I used to have some what long hair but, I don't really know any other tricks with hair"

Armin stood up and smiled at you, the only thing Armin really had for hair was just a brush and comb

"Oh um, okay....wait isn't Mikasa the girl with really short hair?" You asked looking over at Armin in confusion

"Oh yeah, she is but, she did have really long hair but, Eren wanted her to cut it for some reason. But, with her doing Sasha's, Historia's, and even Jean's hair she's kind of a master with it. I also think she can help you find clothes.... I'll just have to come up with an excuse for you not having clothes"

Armin rubbed the back of his neck, with him having a nervous tone.

Everything was hard to explain

"Yeah.....guess it's been hard from hiding the fact am a werewolf" you said with a nervous smile

You felt bad for Armin since this was your problem and not his, but you are also thankful for it

He knew you were one and he hasn't told anyone you were a wolf, and you were thankful for that

"Hey, how about you take a shower before you head to bed, so that your hair will be clean when Mikasa comes over" Armin toke his shoes off and set them by the door

"Oh um.....yeah....w-what's a shower?" You said turning your head to Armin and with a yet nervous smile

Armin looked up from the floor and his eyes were wide, Armin blushed bright and turned around

"'s... here I'll show you" Armin couldn't really explain it with him blushing bright

You followed with you looking down at Armin, he went to his bathroom door and opened it

He flicked on the light and kept blushing while he opened the shower certain

"Alright a shower is where, wait did you take baths in the river?" Armin turned around with him rolling up his sleeves

Since getting your sleeves wet is both the worst and most uncomfortable thing on the damn planet!

"Yeah I would in a river or in a pond, wherever I could find water that is" you said with you scratching your neck

"Well it's like this but, you use shampoo and conditioner which is this" Armin grabbed the bottle of shampoo and showed you it

"So, when the water in the shower gets your hair fully soaked you pour this in your hands and rub it in your hair"

Armin Arlert x Werewolf Reader  (Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now