Party time

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(alright am now back an it's party time ha haaaa.... Sorry I've been away for a long ass time but, I got an Annie fanfic out and either I did or did not release a Hange one am currently typing this on a Wednesday so, future me either did release one or I didn't. So, there another tiny update alright enjoy my fic...that is never going to get a thousand views)

You, Armin, Mikasa, and Sasha finally arrived at Historia's party. You were kinda nervous but, with Armin by you.....

You felt more calmer with Armin by all left the car with you seeing many people outside

With bottles and with people throwing bottles. Armin walked up to your side and looked up at you

"So, how's it look so far?" Armin said, bumping his shoulder into your arm. You looked down at him and smiled

"Well, it looks okay. Am not going to lie I've seen more beer bottles in the woods than here" you had already seen more bottles in the grass than what you saw in the forest two days ago

You and Armin started walking well it was more like you were following him since, you didn't know anything about the outside!

You saw some blad guy but he did have some hair it was just really sort, he ran up to Sasha to give her a hug.

"Where the hell have you been sash'?" Connie let go and smiled at Sasha

"I've been helping Armin with his date" Sasha looked over at Armin and you, you both were about to go in the house but, they stopped you

"All you did was just eat my food Sasha and you only helped with (y/n)'s hair by brushing it" Connie started laughing with him starting to lose his breath

You started to chuckle a bit with Sasha look surprised and at a lost for words

"Alright, alright.....Armin! How in the hell did you pull this tall buff mama?!" Connie said, jokingly

You started to blush with you looking away, Armin groaned and put his hand on his forehead to rub his eyes

"We're just friends! How hard is that to get through everyone's head" at this point Armin was just getting pissed off

"Whoa I was just asking. Guess you've been getting that a lot?" Connie apologized trying not to start any argument

"Yes.......we've been getting it a bunch" you said putting your hands in the pockets on the jacket

You saw some guy doing it so, you thought it would make you blend in more

"Ok, well am pretty sure Eren's inside since I don't see Mikasa around here" you looked around trying to spot the black haired women

And when that didn't work you sniffed her out smelling her scent in the house

"Yeah she's inside, come on Arm'" you started to walk to the door but, you had just slipped up

You didn't even realize it until you went through the door, your heart started racing

Hoping that what Armin said was true. That Connie and Sasha weren't the brightest. After a bit it seemed to be true

But, of course. Maybe it could come back to bite you in the ass later

As you and Armin walked in, you started to get a little more nervous seeing how many people there were

Armin noticed the look in your eyes and he grabbed your hand that was curled up and was starting to show fur

You jumped a bit and looked down at Armin, his calm kind face and eyes. Made you calm down

Armin Arlert x Werewolf Reader  (Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now