it's good to see you again

52 3 2

Armin shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, the sound of his heavy breathing filled the room.

Armin gripped his chest and looked down to see that it was okay, after his little incident with...what he can only call a werewolf

His mind decided that it would play a trick with him and showed him a nightmare of his chest being ripped open by....


He didn't even think to ask her name

Armin was left on the ground in a forest confused and scared, more or less he was just confused

The sudden change in her energy and act was just...confusing. her whole arm was bleeding and right after Armin toke that trap off

She was so weak she couldn't even move her arm up to let Armin wrap it up then in one second she was starting to stand up and she threw her hand at Armin

But, the touch of her arm was a touch that felt so different, Armin could feel her scratches and how strong her arm was

Her (h/c) fur was so soft it was like touching a freshly washed blanket, just the feel of her-

"What the hell am I thinking?! Armin she was just some wolf like women you helped and...and.." Armin yelled at himself

He just couldn't believe he was thinking of something like that but, his train of thought stopped when he thought about her arm again

And not the feel of your muscles or fur, it was the fact he had only wrapped it up with a torn sleeve off of a jacket just pasted his mind

The moment he had put it on your arm it soaked with blood and that was...wait what time is it?

Armin grabbed his phone on the night stand and saw that the time was 3:35 AM and by the time he found you it was 3 something

It had been 12 hours since he saw you! That sleeve must have been far beyond used.

Your arm would get infected and you would die, Armin tried everything he could to help but, since you had thrown him away. He couldn't

Armin then got more confused, he had thought she was the murderer or kidnapper of those 12 people

There was 14 but, two of those 14 people had been found but, mauled. It was reasonable for him to think that

She was a some what werewolf and they couldn't determine what animal it was and werewolves are technically much more different that normal wolves

Strength and size. Also with the mouth not determining what animal it was it was even more reasonable

But, if she was even. Why didn't she kill Armin, she had many chances. Well she was close to one time

But, after that she was okay with him but, why the sudden change and why not kill him when he was knocked down!

While she was free!!

Armin sighed and gripped his head with both hands, he just couldn't get the details right

Everything just didn't add up, some did...wait no nothing did! Or did somethings add up!?

Armin groaned and flopped back down on his bed, guess he would try and figure it out tomorrow

When Armin would go and find her
After Armin woke up he had gotten ready with him grabbing any medical supplies he had

Peroxide, bandages, stitching, and tape. Armin packed it all in one bag and went out

We had brought food as well Incase she had gotten hungry, with that torn arm it was impossible to hunt

Armin Arlert x Werewolf Reader  (Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now