Heart of a wolf

40 2 5

Explaining: okay so, last two chapters were about relationship building and I don't know how to continue after that sad scene so, am doing a time skip, sorry


It's been about four weeks since the second day of Armin and (y/n) meeting and in that four weeks a bunch of things have happened

For one Armin's grandfather came back from his little trip (still I am having a hard time figuring out why he left)

His grandfather had not been feeling well for the first two weeks of being back, it started on the third day of him being back

He did start to have headache on his way back but, before it was just a tiny one but, it got worse as the days went on

He started getting a fever and medicine wouldn't really do much, Armin had no choice but to let him seek medical attention

Best choice it was and during that time Armin wasn't able to get back to (y/n) for a week

But, hey she'll understand right?

Everyday since Armin's grandfather came back Armin decided to start seeing her at night

Just to talk, get to know each other, and just play around being young stupid adults

But, in these couple weeks it's been well worrying for Armin he hadn't really talked to anyone since his grandfather was taken to get medical help

It was causing Armin to worry every minute about his grandfather, it was really worrying

His last living relative is dealing with a fever and it might be deadly to him so, it's hard for Armin to do anything else but worry

Armin mostly just called his grandfather to see if he was alright, it was all Armin worried about


Armin woke up on the couch from his little nap, the blanket fell off of him and he saw that he left the lights on

Armin got up and rubbed his eyes as he groaned, Armin walked up and went to his room to change into a new set of clothes

Armin toke his clothes off and tried to find a good set of clothes to wear to go visit (y/n) in the forest

He hadn't in awhile and he wanted to make sure she was still okay

As Armin put on his hoodie he heard a knock at his door, Armin didn't know who it was and no one should be coming over

Armin finished putting on his hoodie and walked out his room to go to the front door

Another knock came and Armin and Armin looked through the peephole to see it was Eren and Mikasa

Armin was confused to why they were here, they didn't make any plans and Armin hadn't been replying to any texts

Armin opened the door and the first thing he noticed were the looks on Eren and Mikasa's

They had worried looks, something Armin would mostly see on Mikasa with her being protective over Eren and Armin

Mostly Eren

"Oh! So you are alive" of course Eren had to make a statement like that, it was in a sarcastic tone too, like always

"Eren" Mikasa tried to calm down Eren since at anytime he could start lashing out

"Sorry Mikasa but, he's been avoiding his phone for weeks, I was just wondering what could make him do that" Eren said, Armin only sighed and rubbed the back of his neck

Armin Arlert x Werewolf Reader  (Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now