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" I'm sorry to have to tell you this - wait before we start I should tell you that his vitals are stable we were able to help him

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" I'm sorry to have to tell you this - wait before we start I should tell you that his vitals are stable we were able to help him.." the guy doctor said

The lady that called out Briyanas name had when back to get her chart or sum shi

". Him as in draco or my nephew ?" Bluu asked

" oh Um sorry I meant him as in draco we were able to do a minor surgery to get to the vessels that was cut , we were able to stop the blood by stitching them back together and he is now asleep due to him being under meds and and he is encouraged to not speak for some time just till his throat heals considering the vessels were also intoned blue meaning air loss was present ."

Everyone let out a breath and I could see that TJ eyes were beginning to water a bit so I a made sure to give him a hug .

" he's okay I know you wanna cry and that okay but he's still breathing and he's ok don't trip ."

He didn't reply just hugged me tighter before letting go as we waited for her doctor to be back .

When we was about to turn around and go back to the waiting room the lady had came out .

" im briyannas doctor for both her and the baby ." She said shaking everyone hand .

" how she doin )" asia asked

" sorry I have to say this but with the amount of blood loss and other complications that were presented to us ... the baby did die ."

She wanted to be a mom so bad she felt as though he was what she could live for .

She had a name for him and everything his nursery and all is already prepared .

Ezrion Malachi Jones-Anthony was the name she chose .
( Ez-Rii- On )

". She baby did suffer complications due to early on stress that wasn't resolved causing extremely high blood pressure putting the baby in extreme distress eventually the stress became too much on not only the mother but the child which did cause him to cut connection between him and the placenta meaning it did burst and he wasn't receiving any nutrients throughout time which is the overall cause of death ."

( y'all don't quote me this all little things I heard from that one show I be watching about them doctors 🤣)

"So the baby died due to extreme level of stress ?"i asked .

" yes examining the symptoms and stuff showed that it was a deadly amount of stress that could've even killed the mother ."

" how's my sister doing ?"

" um Shes doing alright her vitals remains in an unsteady wave so we did have. To medically sedate her cause she was still stressed and we did have to get the baby out of her so she got out of surgery and right now she's in a state that could be coma like described but she isn't in a coma ."

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