Part 21

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As promised, here is your bonus Waves chapter! This one may be one of my favorites, and it involves a lil' something that you guys asked for-I hope I delivered. Thank you all for your support over the past 6 weeks as we have been following Eve and Joe. I love these two characters and I'm so glad you all do too!

There hadn't been many people Eve had confided in about Lana and the baby, but Christine was one of a handful who knew everything that was going on. Settling in for wine and pizza at their favorite Italian restaurant, Eve gave Christine a brief rundown of the recent drama.

"Jesus Christ Eve. How is my most boring, reasonable friend living a damn Lifetime movie?" Christine laughed as Eve shook her head, ripping off a piece of crust. "I don't fucking know. Every day I keep hoping I'll wake up and it will all have been a dream but that hasn't happened yet."

The two women finished a second bottle of wine before walking down the street for ice cream, both of them laughing uproariously at old stories from college. "God, I will never forget the moment we realized you two were fucking in front of that window during Rush Week and had no idea we could see you," Christine chuckled.

"Literally, we had no idea. I thought that window was tinted! It wasn't until Sam called Joe that we saw all of you guys on the sidewalk," Eve shuddered, wiping her eyes. They chatted for another hour before Christine had to leave, hugging Eve tightly as she said goodbye.

Checking her watch, Eve decided she had some time to shop, stopping by her favorite bookstore to grab a gift for Taylor Rooks. Literature was one of the few things prisoners could accept, and she'd developed a habit of bringing him a new book each visit.

She was scanning the back cover of a new science fiction book when she felt someone watching her. Looking around, she didn't see anyone at first until out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the reflection of someone peeking around the bookshelf in the bay window across from her.

Taking a centering breath to steady her heartbeat, Eve double checked her purse for the small stun gun she carried on her and unlocked it. Quickly walking down the aisle, she scanned the room for anyone suspicious on her way to the cashier.

Maybe you're imagining things Eve, she thought to herself. Shaking it off, she left the bookstore and decided to send Joe her location as a precautionary measure. 'Don't trip out, but I just had a weird experience at the bookstore in Hyde Park. Sharing my location just in case. Love you.'

Crossing the street, Eve headed into a kitchen supply boutique to look for a replacement plate that matched the one she broke that morning. The bell on the door trilled when she walked in, an older employee greeting her and asking if she needed help.

The woman was leading Eve to the section with her china pattern in it when the door bell jingled again. In the middle of double checking a plate for any scratches, Eve felt a chill run through her body when again she caught someone peering at her from behind a display. Within a nanosecond, the figure bolted from boutique, causing Eve to swear under her breath.

Carefully putting the plate back, Eve ran out of the store, looking around the busy street for some sign of the person following her. It was behind one of the bronze statues in the park square that Eve spotted them, almost laughably obvious despite the busy Sunday crowds. There's no fucking way, Eve smirked.

Pretending to be on the phone, Eve quickly dipped into a clothing store that she knew had a back door near the dressing rooms, hoping that her tail would take the bait. Grabbing a dress, she strolled towards the back and dropped it onto a garment rack as she snuck out the exit, walking around the building and sticking her head around the corner. Bingo.

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