Part 32

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"Evie. Baby, wake up. I think we're here." Joe lightly rubbed Eve's arm and smiled as she rubbed her eyes, the car ride to the venue causing her to nod off for a few minutes. "Sorry. I guess I'm more tired than I realized," Eve yawned, gingerly climbing out of the car. "Don't apologize. I know you've had a long week," Joe replied. They were making their way up the sidewalk leading to the entrance when Joe stopped abruptly and rolled his eyes. "That looks like a lot of fucking people Wilson," he grumbled, crossing his arms.

"What did I say earlier? I said you're gonna be nice and cooperate. This is a big night for you and your parents. Just be happy this many people want to celebrate your cranky ass," Eve teased, playfully pinching his behind. Rolling his eyes, Joe wrapped his arms around Eve and pulled her in for a kiss, the two of them tuning out the din of the traffic and cold winter air surrounding them.

"Okay," Joe sighed, "I'll be less cranky. Only for you though." As the two of them greeted the team photographers documenting the arrivals, Joe's eyes scanned up and down Eve's dress, licking his lips slightly. "Now this one might be my favorite dress on you." Normally Eve would come up with a pithy retort, but instead her mind flashed back to the anonymous text she got and her breath hitched in her chest; a wave of dread rolling in. You're safe right now Eve. That's all that matters. Stay in the moment.

Clearing her throat, Eve turned around and tried to shake off the flashback, running her hand over the lapel of Joe's jacket. "If you like this dress, you're gonna really like what's under it." Joe laughed heartily and grabbed her arm to mockingly pull her back towards the car. "Fuck the party, I want to see what's under the dress."

"Nice try Burrow, but you're not getting out of this party. Now, stop stalling and let's get inside before they send search and rescue."

Thought it would take a few cocktails for him to admit it, Joe ended up having one of the best nights of his life. Everyone from his elementary school Pop Warner coach to his college teammates had made the trip to Cincinnati, and all night long, he found himself getting emotional as people from every phase of his career came up to congratulate him.

During one particularly touching toast from his high school O-Line, Eve looked over and caught Joe's eyes watering; a stray tear lurking in the corner. Reaching to lace her fingers with his, Eve pulled Joe's hand up to her lips and placed a soft kiss on it, happy to see that the days of rushed planning had paid off.

As the night wore on, Eve felt her sleep deprivation from the week creeping in, and she stifled a deep yawn while waiting for the bartender to grab her a cup of coffee. "You have a midterm or something?" Eve whipped around to find Sam behind her, chuckling at the giant mug she was nursing. "Yeah, my boyfriend's roommate needs me to edit his European History paper," Eve joked, reminiscing about all of the times she was begged by Joe or Sam to bail them out when they were against a deadline in college.

"Hey, you offered! And we paid you in beer. I think it was an even trade," Sam argued, slinging an arm over Eve's shoulders. The pair stood in the corner surveying the party, catching up on recent events. "Is your apartment okay now?" Sam asked, watching Eve's face carefully. "What about my apartment? Of course it's okay," she replied, turning back to the bartender for another coffee.

"You stayed at Amanda's? Something about repairs you didn't know about?" Sam caught the spark of realization that registered on Eve's face as she tried to backtrack. "Oh! Yes, um, everything's good now. Amanda was so kind to let me crash at her place."

"Eve. You and your boyfriend are both terrible liars. Knock it off. It's just me," Sam frowned. Cursing under her breath, Eve grimaced as she rubbed the side of her face. "That obvious?"

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