Part 25

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Though she was grateful to be safe and her injuries relatively minor, Eve struggled to unwind that night. Her head was killing her and Joe insisted on following the concussion protocol; waking her up frequently to monitor her symptoms. Finally, upon being threatened with bodily injury, Joe let her fall back asleep; his own insomnia leaving him to watch her brow furrow as she dozed off. He wondered what she was dreaming of, if she was consumed with the case or if she ever allowed herself to turn off that brilliant mind he loved so much.

Joe still felt sick to his stomach about what had transpired in Erie; the thought of Eve being killed or tortured too significant for him to push out of his mind. After a few hours of tossing and turning, he got out of bed and went into the basement to watch some game film.

He must have knocked out at some point in the early morning hours because the next thing he knew, Andrea was gently shaking him awake. "You shouldn't sleep hunched over like that sweetheart. You're going to hurt your neck," she warned, lightly running her hands through his hair.

"Is Eve awake? I should have checked on her," Joe yawned, his back cracking. "Your mom just looked in on her. We are making breakfast right now." Andrea sat down next to Joe on the couch, her mind mulling over how she wanted to approach the next topic with him.

"I know you want me to convince her to drop the case. You think I can force her into it," Joe said quietly. "We both know that Eve can't be forced to drink a glass of water, let alone abandon her convictions. But you have more influence over her than I do Joe. You could sway her opinion," Andrea urged.

"This is bigger than just Eve. It's about a man's life. How can I honestly tell her to ignore that fact?" Joe knew that Andrea felt the same terror he did only worse, but he also knew what was at stake. "Because we have to think about Eve's life. She already jumped in front of a car for this—what's next, a bullet?" Andrea wiped her cheek, tears already falling.

"She swore to me that she will be more careful. There are multiple police departments protecting her now. The apartment will be a fortress by the time all of the cameras and security system are installed. I can hire private security as well. We can keep her safe," Joe insisted, reaching for Andrea's hand.

"Okay. I'll go along with it then. But I don't feel good about this Joe," Andrea whispered. "I know you don't. Neither do I. But the alternative is forcing her to sneak around, which could put her in more danger. We can't risk that," Joe frowned.

The pair stood up and hugged before Andrea went to finish preparing breakfast and Joe headed upstairs to check on Eve. To his surprise, she was up and watching TV. "Hi baby. Where were you?" She asked, reaching out for him. "I fell asleep in the basement watching film for the Browns game. Do you need anything? Advil? Ice?" Eve shook her head and snuggled into Joe's side as he climbed onto the bed next to her.

"Just you," she grinned, tracing the scar on his hand like she always did when she was pensive. "Your mom was encouraging me to ask you about dropping the case. I think I have her talked down," Joe mumbled against Eve's forehead, gingerly kissing her.

"Thanks Joey. I could hear her ranting to my aunt this morning over the phone. I didn't realize you finally put a bed in this room," Eve motioned next door. "Yeah. Another change from when you were here last," Joe chuckled.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about actually. About the bedroom next door," Eve said tentatively, "I know you hate discussing this as much as I do, but the baby will be here within a few short months. I've been thinking about it and I think you should let me turn that room into a nursery."

Joe's jaw clenched, the mention of anything remotely Lana-adjacent instantly putting him in a foul mood. "I'm not going to make you decorate a room for a kid that isn't yours. That's not fair to you."

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