Chapter Three: Loose Ends

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The Cleaving of Echo Creek and Mewni was something, to say the least, it changed the landscape of their worlds.

Mewni had been stuck in a medieval era since the first settlers arrived and started what would be known as the Butterfly Dynasty, 39 queens throughout the Dynasty, each more unique than the last.

But ever since the original spell book had been lost to a fire, the history of the first 26 queens was gone, lost to time, until recently.

But even with this historical discovery that could unlock more about the Butterfly's Past, it was present that they needed to focus on now.

Despite the sudden rise in population, not everyone was taking it too well, Monsters were scared at first, but soon got past that, it was a new world for them, which meant a clean slate for them, all monsters attempted to help with any improvements and as it turned out the quirks of these monsters do benefit the humans, especially Globgor, his size-shifting ability has helped a lot of people.

But not everyone was adjusting too well, Mewmans were still agitated with all this, I guess being fed the same propaganda for hundreds of years has been engraved in them, change was practically impossible for a lot of them.

And Star wasn't having it, after a year of trying for equality of her own accord and then using the opportunity to have said equality while also giving Eclipsa what she wants has been hard on her and when she thought the impossible had been done, boom, it all came crashing down.

And to think her mother was involved, hurt Star, she had thought her mother could see things differently, but she thought wrong.
Even though her mother came to her senses and helped her end magic, there was still a long road ahead for Moon.

But now we focus on today, and today holds protest, oh great, more problems.

Star and Marco were the only ones available to ease down the protests, and Moon and Eclipsa were MIA for a while.

One Star and Marco arrived at the scene, to no one's surprise, it was Mewmans protesting, but what shocked Star was that most of them were from the Yurt Village her parents had established

Oh great, she's the one leading the protest, Marco said.

Who is, Star replied.

Mina Loveberry, Marco said in an irritated tone.

Oh great, she's going to somehow foil everything, again, Star said.

There's just one thing that confuses me, Marco responded.

What's that, Star replied.

How the heck did Mina persuade enough people to protest, especially the humans, considering the last time she was on Earth, Marco answered.

Star just shrugged that off, but Star also saw that Mina wasn't alone, she had Manfred by her side.

Star and Marco made their way to confront Mina and Manfred.

Oh, look who it is, Mud sister and her squire, Mina speaks up.

Mina why are you doing this, Magic is gone, you have no power, nothing, Star said.

Don't you remember what I said when we last met, Mina responded.

Dude that was like 3 days ago, we had bigger issues at hand, Star responded.

So..........., Mina said.

What do you mean, "So", this is something big that happened and you still focus on your ego, the old days of monster-hating, WAKE UP MINA, that's not going to happen, things change and besides, look at you, your not looking alright, Star replied.

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