Part 25

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"FUCK!" Chrollo screams as he throws things around the warehouse room. For the past 24hours he's being everywhere trying to find Y/N. The rest of the troupe members don't know about the incident yet. He was hoping to find her and beat the shit out of that man who took her, but apparently that's not happening. He's going to need a full on rescue mission. It's funny how in the matter of seconds the worlds most feared and deadliest troupe could turn so soft as to have to rescue someone. He would have never thought to have someone he cared about so much in this world.

Deciding it's time to tell the other members, Chrollo leaves the warehouse and heads towards the troupes present hideout. Two days ago Chrollo and Y/N had gone on a little mission of there own. It had already been completed when the odd man came and interfered with their return. Chrollo has definatly herd of the guy but still doesn't understand why he of all people would care about anything relating to the phantom troupes.


Standing the the centre of the ruins Y/N's head is bowed, shadowing her face. The few flames still existing lick the burnt piles of rubble. A slight breeze blows through, shuffling the ashes, making them twirl around the paralyzed girl. The moon is out and as red as blood, it hands in the sky masking the scene with a bloody ting. The city has been destroyed, the remainder of the buildings and people lie scattered across the earths surface. Burnt bodies and burning wood scent the air.

"Y/N?" A voice asks, but she doesn't respond.

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