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"I look stupid," he broods, looking like a wet cat in the khakis and white button-down.

"Oh hush," I smile, trying not to laugh at the unusual clothing, "I said you could wear the jean jacket if it would make you feel better." He thumbs the jacket I'm holding, pursing his lips as if trying to decide if it will increase his overall coolness.

"Fine." Holding up the jacket, I help him shrug it on.

"See," I tug at the lapel, straightening it. "You look good."

"You think?"

I nod, "Of course, I picked this outfit out. Remember?" Without thinking, I slide my hands down his chest.

Eddie blinks, looking down at me with those big brown eyes.

"Uh--" his eyes flick down to my lips.

The continuation of the random kissing has to stop. Not because they're bad kisses, but because I'm freaked out by the revelation that I'm starting to see him as something more than a friend.

A nervous giggle escapes me as I take a step away from him, "We should uh-- probably go..."

Eddie nods, following me to the car where Mom and dad are waiting with the windows rolled down.

"Let's get rolling," Dad taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

The ride over is quiet, Eddie and I exchanging small glances at one another as Harry Belafonte plays quietly on the stereo.

The street outside of Gam Gam's house is lined with the cars of the invited extended family from out of town.

Nerves rush through me, the sight of the cars making this real.

Eddie's fingers brush against mine. I look down at where his fingers cover mine and then up towards his face. He's got a small smile on his lips.

Mom and Dad get out of the car when we've parked, "I've got to get this salad to Gam Gam."

I watch as they hurry off with the various dishes, turning back to Eddie once they've disappeared into the backyard.

"You ready?" He squeezes my hand.

I chuckle, "I think it's more appropriate if I asked you if you're ready."

Eddie grins back, "Maybe, but you look like you're about to hurl, so I thought I could be a little supportive."

"How sweet," I smile, reaching to open the door.

Eddie reaches for my hand as we walk towards Gam Gam's back gate, slotting our fingers together.

"Is this okay?" His tone is so sweet that I feel my stomach flip flop.

"Of course, it's okay." I offer a small smile as he pushes the gate open.

We go around to the circles of my extended relatives, starting with short greetings of relatives telling me how much I've grown or how they remember when I was a toddler, and then progressing to introductions of "this is my boyfriend, Eddie" before we get to the person I'm most anxious to meet.

"Gam Gam!" I let her pull me down to her, wrapping me into a perfumed hug. She presses a quick kiss on my cheek before pulling away.

"You look beautiful, my dear."

"Oh, thank you. I like what you've done to your hair, Gam Gam."

"Thank you, peapod," Gam Gam pats my hand, "And who is this?"

Grabbing Eddie's hand, I pull him closer to my grandmother's chair, "Uh, I'm sure my mom's blabbed for the past month... but, Gam Gam, this is Eddie, my boyfriend."

Gam Gam's eyes glue to his "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eddie." She gets up from the lawn chair, a warm smile on her face, "Let me get a better look at you, dear."

I watch as Gam Gam closely examines Eddie. He looks nervous for a beat but allows my grandmother her eccentric moment.

"Oh, you're cute," Gam Gam says, patting Eddie's cheek. "But, you could use a haircut."

"Gam Gam!" My mouth drops open in mortification. I never claimed Gam Gam had a filter.

"What? I'm old. I've lived long enough to know I'm not often wrong."

Eddie grins toothily at my grandmother. He's got that look on his face he often wears when meeting someone he likes. It really wasn't hard to entertain or make a good impression on Eddie. Especially when you point out that he's attractive.

"Don't worry, I hear it from (y/n) a lot." The bastard plays along.

Gam Gam looks at me, "Oh, so you agree, peapod?"

"I never said that," I insist, raising my hands in mock defense. I shoot a look at Eddie, hoping my eyes can convey 'knock it off' clearly.

Eddie only laughs, pulling me into his side, "It's okay, (y/n). Maybe I will cut it off."

I playfully smack his chest, grinning up at him, "Don't you dare."

Eddie squeezes my hip, smiling fondly down at me, "Well, okay. If you're that adamant, the hair can stay."

"For me? You're too kind, Munson."

"Anything for my girl," he presses a kiss to my temple.

Gam Gam smiles, the warmth reaching her eyes, "Well, you two are adorable."

Yeah, maybe we are... I watch his face, expression going from teasing to soft, "We are, aren't we?"

For a second, I swear he's going to lean down to kiss me. My breath catches in my throat as my eyes search his, pleading a bit that he would. Only a few inches stand between where I am and where I want to be--

Gam Gam's voice breaks the tension, "So, when are you two going to give me some great-grandbabies?"

Whatever it was that had built up between us comes crashing down. I try not to whip my head towards Gam Gam, shock and mortification surely written on my face. I know my family; I should've anticipated these sorts of questions.

"Gam Gam--!" My voice is flooded with embarrassment as I detach myself from Eddie slightly. I will not have this conversation with my grandmother and fake boyfriend. Especially not with my fake boyfriend!

"I would now, but you know (y/n)," Eddie pulls me back towards his body, watching me with a suspicious interest in this conversation, "She wants to get married and all that before."

What's with me and having to try so hard to cool my natural expressions? I hope I'm not frowning too deeply as I try not to look at him. He's playing the 'oh so serious boyfriend with intentions for the long haul,' and that's it. That's it!

Gam Gam laughs at his answer, "A practical answer. Still, I'm nearly eighty-five, (y/n). Though if it's a ring she wants, that's up to you now, isn't that dear?"

"I suppose it is," he glances down at me, catching my eye for a beat. I don't like that I can't decipher what's going on behind that expression.

"(y/n), Eddie," Mom thankfully interrupts, "Could you get the cooler from the car?"

"Yes!" I pull away from Eddie's side, "Yes, we can. If you could excuse us, Gam Gam. It's a heavy cooler--"

Gam Gam tilts her head, amused surely. "Of course."

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