Chapter 3

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The day my life changed forever.
It was April 15th I was having a good day I was hanging with my friends and having fun like we usually did but something felt different I had this sick feeling inside me I knew something was wrong. My mom came home from "shopping" followed by her boyfriend behind her. She called my whole family into the kitchen with tears running down her face she could barely speak, so her boyfriend decided to do it for her. In his scratchy voice he said "guys your dad just passed".I looked at my brothers with tears immediately running down my face and turned to see my little sister drawing a picture. My little sister was the last of my siblings to know because we knew she would be terrified. She ran into the kitchen seeing my whole family crying and replied bye "what's wrong"? This time my mom said it "sweetheart daddy died". She started crying her eyes out I could just tell she was scared. Angelina (my sister) was scared to know that she was going to have to grow up without a dad. That's what I thought knowing that he's not going to be there to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day not going to be able to see my kids, my husband, me growing up. It all just hit me and shot me in the chest knowing that my life was never going to be the same really changed my perspective, it made me realize how much family meant how much those 12 years of my life with him were always going to be in my heart forever. I'm always going to knows he's with me just not in the way I want him to be.

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