𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐎𝐭𝐭𝐨 |

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Luca Lombardi

It's been two hours since we last heard from the doctor. Verónica's family came running when papa told them the news. Especially her mother. Aurora has been crying non-stop since she's been here. Her sisters have been sitting there anxious and crying. After thirty minutes a nurse came to me and cleaned up my bloody bruised face and wrapped up my abdomen because I had a broken rib. Feeling the high I was on when saving Verónica transpired my pain to erupt.

"THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT VERÓNICA GOT SHOT." Aurora yelled at Francisco. She got up off the chair and backed him up against the wall punching his chest. "IF YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET HER GO SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE WITH US. WHAT DO I TELL HER DAUGHTER, FRANCESCO? WHAT?" He grabbed both her arms.

"She had to go to Aurora. Verónica is going to be Donna; she has to be ready for these types of situations." He said.

"She was right all along ever since she was Leonardo. You've treated her differently for a reason I don't understand, she used to be your little girl and now you treat her as if she's the enemy." Aurora walked away from Francesco in tears, the distress clearly about Verónica. He stands there with his eyes narrowed down balling his hand into a fist. He looked up and walked away maybe to find Aurora.

"figliolo, cosa è successo durante la sparatoria? Chi ha sparato a Verónica?" My father asked, sitting next to me touching my shoulder.

(Translation: Son, what happened during the shoot out? Who shot Veronica?)

I lifted my head and turned my head left I huffed out a puff of air "Stavo finendo di uccidere qualcuno e ho sentito un urlo. Dopo, li ho sentiti, sono andato a cercare Verónica e quando l'ho trovata un uomo l'aveva intrappolata nella sua presa, ma lei ha lottato per uscire. Immagino che le abbia detto qualcosa e lei si è distratta e qualcuno le ha sparato, ma non riuscivo a vedere chi le avesse sparato perché era distante." I explained to him. He nodded his head and patted my back. He took out his phone to make a call.

I feel like I should have done more to protect her. She was scared and I promised her mother to protect her. At some point, I might feel Aurora's fury. But I shouldn't feel anything towards her. She's just an annoying girl who the universe decided to put in my path today.

I should be thinking about Elisa, the girl who I've been in love with since I was seven years old. Before I and Elisa got together I use to fuck around with other girls so she never took me seriously until eight years ago on her birthday I told her I was in love with her. She looked beautiful in her blue strapless dress and out of all the girls It was always her.

I see the restricted door area open and the doctor comes out in blue surgical scrubs with a blue scrub hat pulling off his medical mask.

"Family of Verónica Bianchi." He shouted.

"We are her sisters." Valencia said to him getting up from the seat as well as Viviana.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Montgomery." He said, extending his hand for her to shake. She shook his hand in return." "Valencia and this is my sister Viviana." She said,

"Okay, your sister came in with a gunshot to the abdomen and was bleeding out severely. We took her straight into surgery. We did an MRI to make sure there wasn't any damage to the heart, lungs, spine, abdominal organs, or any major blood vessels. Her lung collapsed during surgery but we were able to fix it. She will be on an endotracheal tube, until she can breathe on her own. We gave her a blood transfusion for all the blood she lost. We also took out the bullet and there was no damage to any internal organs. We expect her to have a great recovery when she wakes up." He explained. Viviana gave the doctor a hug. "Thank you for saving my sister." She said smiling, wiping her tears.

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