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Officially Spring break, usually you'd be excited .no classes, holidays, meeting friends. But right now i am prepared to spend the whole week alone as i don't really have anybody to go and talk to.

I was supposed to go back and stay with Jessie's family for the week but after complicated changes that can no longer happen. I just know my mum without even realising would send me over the edge.

Kay is leaving for the week as she is going back to her home town to see her family. She did invite me but there was no way i could say yes, i'm not part of the family and would most likely suck the good mood out of it.

"Abbi i hate to leave you, please just say you'll come with me it'll be fun?"
i laugh before swinging around in my chair to face her holding the same expression every time she has asked me

"Kay its good, i'm taking the night shift at the booth in a few days anyways. I'll be fine."
i can tell by the way she's eyeing me up that she knows i don't want to spend this whole break alone but i need this time. Just to relax and think for a bit.

"okay if your sure. Now come here i'm going to miss you"
i stand and welcome her warm embrace before sitting back down. She grabs her suitcase and begins to walk towards the door.

"don't be a stranger and shoot me a text yeah? okay i love you and have a great spring break!"
i wave her goodbye and then the door closes and she's gone.

I have a very exciting couple of days to fill up so i turn back to my computer and carry on working on another track which could potentially play on the radio.

* * * *

I am currently listening to the Fleetwood mack album and am just sat staring at my ceiling. It is probably one of my favourites so if that's just playing and i'm doing nothing else i can still relax.

As i'm laying down i feel my bed vibrate a bit, so i grab for my phone to see who would message me. when i pick it up i spot Becas name. I can't help but my eyes enlarge a bit as i haven't spoken to her since she apologised the night of me getting kicked off the Bells. That was only a short conversation so i'm surprised she's texting me.

i open it and read :
>hey, I don't know if you've gone anywhere for spring break. But if your still down for it the Booth is open for us to use tonight.
>also Kay mentioned you may need some cheering up.

i can't help but smile at my phone as she genuinely is wanting to see me, so i respond with a yeah and ask what we are doing to which she replies with her dorm number.

The fact Kay has also messaged her about me brings a smile to my face as i know how much she truly cares about me. It's nice to know you have people in the world there for you.

I get dressed and ready for the first time in days before heading out the door to find her room.
It's a bit of a treck but when i got there i knock on the door lightly, not knowing if her roommate was still here or not.

When Becas face pops up i instantly smile and can't help but hug her. I think she's caught off guard but she instantly responds.
"how come you messaged me to come around?"
"i don't know, i'm not doing much the spring break and i didn't think you were either.... not to say i don't think you have a life, i think you do but... Sorry i'll stop rambling. I just thought we could have a go at the radio shack, it would be good to put our stuff out there."

"i fucked it with the Bella's, Jesse, and my own family so you would be correct about me being up to nothing. The radio shack does sound good though. "
i laugh to make it sound like a joke but Beca just stifles a small one.

We talk for a bit just lounging out on the beds before music comes up and it's time to talk about the Bella's.

"Abbi i just want to say, thank you for what you did. You didn't have to take the blame you know."
"i did, better one going down that 2 yeah"
we both laugh before settling into silence again just getting to grips that one of us is off the team and the other is on the team just not being able to do what they love.

I don't know which is worse though as i had found out the Bellas hadn't made it through to the finals. I cant help the ebbing feeling in my chest that is was my fault and i can already sense the anger Aubrey has aimed towards me.

"i just wish we could do my mashups... i've been working on a few. None ready for if we even got into Finals but they sound good and would be fun to rehearse. You know.... i can't help but think my idea screwed us up."

i look over giving her a look to say is she being real knowing that is was a joint screw up? But then again it did sound amazing and probably gained us a few extra points which can't harm.
"your funny, of course you helped, your part saved it, we would be a lot further down in the scores sheet if it weren't for you. why don't you show me what you've been working on?"

Beca gets up and turns on her equipment before explaining each of the songs and how they are accomplished. I can't help but be astonished as these sound amazing. As well the fact she had used my voice for many of them made my heart swell at the idea of it.
"Beca... these are incredible. You know you should bring these to the radio shack, i already had some but these  are better. If you want i can take a hard drive full of a few of these, the world deserves to hear these"

she turns around with a big grin before saying yes immediately so i grab a few and put them in my bag ready to bring with us as we should really get there soon.
"i'll get you back on the team, even if there isn't much point as we lost but i'll try." I smile a smile that doesn't reach my eyes already knowing that was virtually impossible.

"Honestly it's okay, should probably focus on my english anyway."
i close the door and smile to myself as i genuinely believe i have found a friend here. We walk side by side and head towards the only place right now that might set my head straight.

* * * *

I am currently sat in the booth playing a few of mine and Becas tracks along with some of the best albums of all time. But instead of being really invested and happy in what i'm doing i can't help but let my mind drift away from everything but the booth.

Beca is in her absulute element and i wish i could share such and amazing moment for the both of us. Instead my mind is drifting off constantly messing with my abilities to figure things out.

I hope people like the things we're playing but in all fairness who's going to be awake at this time and not drunk offtheir faces,,it's bloody 2am. We play both our tracks that we made together while we also talk and chat about everything and anything.

I feel like i understand her in ways which i thought i never would. Seeing her in a different light, i can see a resemblance in our personalities. Maybe that's why she seems to have opened up to me a bit.

While Beca is messing with the pitch on a track from a Fleetwood mac album, I head over to a stack of CDs lined down the wall and my eyes catch on a very familiar heading. I grab it and slide it out to see the breakfast club logo. I decide to take it with me when the shift has ended not knowing what else i would do.

I say goodbye to Beca as we both head in opposite directions off to our dorm rooms ready to relax for the rest of the evening which is left.

I'm now currently tucked in bed with my laptop on and headphones on listening to the film play through. The lights have all been turned off as i am truly transfixed to the screen.

End credits play through as "don't you forget about me" plays through and i can't help but feel tears fly down my cheeks. I can feel my breath getting caught in my lungs as i am astonished this is making me so sad.

At the end the main character lifts his fist and i can't help but just let the tears out as nothing more could remind me of Jessie's reaction from the Semi- finals.

I wish i could tell him i didn't mean it but, i can't and i don't know why. I throughly scrub at my face laughing to myself about the mess i'm in so decide to close my laptop and rid myself of my makeup from earlier and get into bed.

I can't help but let a few tears slip, but before it can get too bad i drift off to sleep to try and forget it once again.

Edited: 28th August 2023

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