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It was a calm and beautiful day at sea somewhere on the Grand Line. The waves were serene, the breeze was faint, and the sun shone proudly, happily, and warmly in the midday sky. They were hard weather conditions to come by in a sea as treacherous and volatile as the Grand Line was rumored to be by those too weak to sail it and known to be those who weren't.

A sea whose weather patterns flipped at the drop of a hat; hail the size of galleons rained down in some places one moment, only to be replaced with a typhoon that rivaled its namesake in the blink of an eye, and finally both entirely forgotten by the peaceful swells of a calm sea not but 30 minutes later.

As if the Sea herself remembered how fickle she was, a violent storm kicked up from nonexistence. The waves rose to heights as if to crush entire fleets under their power. The wind howled and echoed across the sea as if it were a cavern. The lightning flashed, racing across the inky black clouds as the thunder boomed overhead as if to signal the drums of war on the streaks of plasma as they desperately fled. It looked as if nature was at war with itself.

And then it stopped.

For the waves were not rising to crush their foes underneath them, but reaching for the heavens to thank them for the blessed gift. The winds were not howling with outrage and pain, but rejoicing and hollering in excitement for the changes to come. And the lightning and thunder were not erratic in conflict, but spreading to all to celebrate the arrival.

The Sea calmed; the lightning and thunder ceased, the winds vanished to a pleasant breeze - a serene whisper, and the waves returned to the Sea to provide a tranquil lullaby.

For drifting peacefully within the Sea's embrace, was the source of their spontaneous elation. A young boy with a dragon tattoo coiled around his deeply tanned right arm and an equally tanned body riddled with scars, that spoke of a lifetime spent in both the Sea's company and her battles. A mop of hair as dark as the thunderhead clouds the sea routinely called upon with three bells braided within it. And, although they were closed in deep slumber, eyes that reflected the Seas herself in both her glory and her rage that matched the whirlpools on the hanafuda earrings that adorned his ears.

A new variable that would shake the world to its core.

A consort to the Sea herself and all of her mystery.

A Natural Enemy of God.


Several people felt it all at once. The inexplicable chill that shuttered down their spines and made it feel like someone or something was breathing down their neck. Some of them were far too young to understand or even question it, but the older ones knew.

Something or someone had caused such a shift in the world that it was irreparable; nothing would be the same once the new variable acted.

Monkey D. Dragon and his father Monkey D. Garp, Edward Newgate, Silvers Rayleigh, Red-Haired Shanks, Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom, King of Beasts Kaido, and the Gorosei all understood what it meant.

The winds of change had drastically shifted and a storm was coming; a storm the likes no one had ever seen. A storm that would turn the whole world upside down.


Jackson-Kamado Perseus slowly awoke from his slumber as his eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by a clear blue sky that was very much not the ceiling of the Poseidon Cabin. His eyes widened as he bolted upright in alarm and went to summon his most trusted blade.

Except it wasn't there as a ring on his left-middle finger like it always had been. He didn't have Rigan-ryū, but he noticed the weight on his lower back and the strap/harness that was holding it up. Immediately after he felt those, he heard the familiar serene whisper of Rigan-ryū-chan and smiled. Even if she felt different - no longer divine.

He wasn't in the Poseidon Cabin. He had no idea where he was, but that wasn't the issue - not entirely. He, a demigod son of both Poseidon and Neptune (he acknowledged the fact his birth was weird, even by demigod standards) - a child of the Sea - had no idea where he was at sea.

It was almost oxymoronic. The absolute one thing he was supposed to know with 100% accuracy and 100% certainty was the seas. However, before any semblance of panic could set in, a searing migraine branded his brain and he clenched his teeth, hissing in pain.

Information flooded his brain.

'Four Blues. The Red Line. The Grand Line (Paradise and the New World). Species of marine life that he'd never heard of or seen; marine life that shouldn't exist. Lands he had never heard of. Species he'd never heard of; Fishman, Giants, Mink, Snakeneck, Longarm and Longleg, and more. Abilities that shouldn't exist; superhuman feats like Fishman karate, Haki, Devil Fruits, and more.'

Basic information about the world he had someone gotten to, but none about how he had got there.

'The World Government. Marines. Warlords. The Great Pirate Era. Yonko. The Clan of D.'

Percy closed his eyes and sank below the surface as the last two thoughts were projected to him by, who he believed to be, the Sea herself.

'Jackson Kamado D. Perseus. Freedom.'

The newly renamed Jackson Kamado D. Perseus released a shuddering sigh and felt the Sea herself hum and shudder in approval, acceptance, and anticipation.

He took a moment to reflect on everything he learned and everything that had happened. He had defeated Gaea herself after the deaths of The Seven, spent nearly a year doing nothing but meditation and training to accept it and was thankful that demigods were bred for conflict, making them rather immune to PTSD. He was sad that they were gone, but rejoiced that they all made it to Elysium and were free of conflict in the divine world.

He was now in a new world with no idea who or what brought him there nor how to get back, but it brought the last thing he heard whispered in his mind.


Did he even want to go back? There were no divine entities meaning his powers would be unrivaled at sea as the sea seemingly worshipped him the same way that he worshipped her. There would be no more quests, no more conflict unless he and he alone decided to get involved. He could live his life however he wanted with no one to answer to out of fear of being struck down.

A happy giggle bubbled in his chest and echoed underwater. The Sea positively vibrated, almost as if she was giggling in response. The giggles quickly turned into happy laughter with a few stray happy tears running down his cheeks in relief. The Sea both soothed and seemed to laugh in joyous freedom with him.

Percy calmed down and got his laughter under control, noticing the curious marine life around him, and smiled warmly at them. He noticed that whoever or whatever had brought him there had reset his body to his 11-year-old form. The same form he started his demigod journey; a chance to live his life as he wanted to. The chance he never got.

Yet, he had all his abilities and knowledge of his powers.

'Hello,' Percy spoke gently into the minds of the curious marine life and broke them out of their wariness as they all approached and rubbed against the demigod who laughed happily in response.

Percy wasn't entirely sure he heard the Sea per say, but he felt her intentions as she spoke to the marine life.

'Safe. Hero. One of us. Loved by the seas,' she seemed to say and Percy heard the marine life's responses.

'Sea's child. Lord. Protector,' several of them echoed and Percy closed his eyes with a happy smile to speak for the first time.

"I am Jackson Kamado D. Perseus and I seek my ultimate freedom. I will travel this world and see everything it and the seas have to offer. I will bow to no man and live my life as I please."

The Sea glowed once more, humming in approval, as the marine life chattered excitedly in praise at the statements.

With nothing more to say, Percy decided to stop by the closest island and gather as much information as he could. He had the basics from the Sea, but he wanted to know more so that he could both learn it all, and so he knew potential enemies that stood in the way of his newfound dream.

The demigod let out a cheerful holler and rocketed off like a torpedo even faster than he could in his own world.

There were entire Seas to explore and adventures to be had.

Prologue End

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