Chapter I

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Chapter I

It had been a couple months since Percy had arrived in the world of the Four Blues and he had learned a fair amount about the world. For starters, he confirmed that the Sea was really talking to him as it was literally impossible for it to be anything or anyone else. It kept him informed of things to avoid and other general knowledge that she felt the need to share with him depending on where he was at and what he was planning to do.

It helped that he was completely unaffected by her temperamental moods on the Grand Line.

He encountered a decent, but still not very large amount of people from the species that hadn't existed in his world and found some of them extremely friendly, and some of them extremely cynical and jaded, but he didn't really expect anything else. People tended to be judged on their appearance no matter what world they resided in, so Percy sought to judge them on a case by case basis after getting to know them as he had always done. Of course, some were just assholes for the hell of it too.

He didn't come across any pirates though. Well, he did, but he either swam underneath them to avoid them when in the Sea, or blended into the background by erasing his presence when on an island. Some of them were exactly what he expected: scum of the earth that did whatever they pleased to whoever they wanted and often killed or did worse to people who stood in their way. Others, however we're just people that wanted adventure or a loyal group or friends in family at their sides and didn't care for the propaganda that the World Government and Marines pushed.

The Marines... was just the biggest, most hypocritical crock of shit that Percy had ever seen in his entire life. 99% of the ones he had encountered had bought into the "Justice" brainwashing that it was literally sickening. Some used it to push their own agendas and steal money from good hardworking people. Others were convinced that any minor inconvenience or question someone would ask was a means for imprisonment or death.

"Absolute Justice" they had preached like it was a religion to be practiced or a cult to join and it sickened Percy. It pissed him off something fierce that some of those men and women willingly devoted themselves to the Celestial Dragons and helped them oppress and fucking enslave people.

All Percy saw them as were spoiled, corrupted shit-stains that were better off being eradicated to keep them far, far removed from the gene pool so future generations weren't totally fucked. Sure there was a rare - emphasis on rare - genuinely good marine every now and again, but the data indicated that it was a lost cause as long as the Celestial Dragons were around. At least to Percy.

Either way, he had gained some information, which was invaluable, but he figured it'd be dangerous to do anything about the current system, or even stay in the Grand Line until he had mastered Haki that the Sea told him about. With that in mind, he had decided to head to the Four Blues first and explore them while also training to be even stronger than the first time he was 11 in his original world.

Which was why he was drifting in the sea without a care in the world, enjoying the calming swells after traveling a notable distance. He didn't need rest by any means, but Percy wasn't in a hurry whatsoever either, so he figured that he'd take a nap.

The Sea felt no need to stop or warn him as he would encounter the grandfather of the young boy she favored in the coming generation. The boy that was going to turn the world on its head, and that was before Percy had arrived.

She wanted the two of them to meet and forge a bond. She wanted to see if the two who were much like a big storm came into contact, would they cancel each other out? Or would they combine into an even bigger storm?


Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp was a... unique man to say the least. He often ate at random, inconvenient and inappropriate times, would fall asleep whilst eating, picked his nose when he was disinterested, and was "Authoritatively challenged". The fact that he was best friends with the Fleet Admiral Sengoku only helped to keep him out of genuine trouble with his superiors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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